It is for Retired Military and Veterans with 100% service connected VA disability.
Actually your menu looks good. I will stop by to try it out. I was just teasing you with the humble reference re: James 4:6!
I assume the difficulty is that who ever owns Mooons doesn't trust the staff enough to make decisions on their own or worse may punish employees...
He doesn't seem too humble...:hilarious:
I had similar problem. I went in on a Monday and they were out of most everything. I go there fairly regularly so the waitress knows us and was...
Yeah, I don't lose any sleep over it I have valid registration with stamp no plate available.
At least now I know what happened to my F@ckIng license plates. B@stards probably stole the money we all paid in fees for the new plates so there...
Neither did I. I usually ask the woman if there is anything I can bring or at least what will be served so I can bring something that compliments...
First you need to do a free upgrade to windows 8.1 then you get a free upgrade to windows 10. As far as I know there is no direct upgrade from...
Good luck with that. Hopefully you don't get a customs agent in a bad mood and things go smoothly. I did that for a couple of years many moons ago...
Agree. Every day for months they were flying aid trips down from Clark Pampanga on V22 Ospreys as it was easier to logistically set everything up...
FYI yes the promo for free Win 10 update is still valid. People who have a registered, legal copy of Vista, win 7, Win 8 or Win 8.1 can update for...
Ah but for the lack of a comma. My writing skills need improvement it should have read "Hey a$$hole, Dave is calling" really does change the...
BB visa is nice as long as they honor it but it is at their discretion as legally you need to be out of country for one year to reapply for a new...
5 Courtship Rules Modern Dating Could Use (Yes, Really) | YourTango or more accurate IMO from Courting - definition of courting by The Free...
I just ate there last week while awaiting for visa extension. Had Baguette with bacon and egg with coffee for P95 very tasty and they have brown...
I suppose that depends on your age and how long you expect to live and whether you qualify for Military Courtesy SRRV or not. I don't know your...
Very difficult if not down right impossible for your situation as you need to have the child live with you for 3 years before they will process...
Quite true. In almost all instances (as long as drugs/alcohol are not involved) I have found that I usually receive my kindness and conviviality...