I agree. There are many, many good people here IMO many more good than bad by a very large margin. For some reason though it seems a fair number...
Being suspicious by nature (especially since I moved to the PI) I suspect somewhere down the line money/favor etc will be mentioned... Expected...
I agree with this statement but do not reserve it just for waitresses or servers. I can spot a fake half a$$ smile a mile away and very much...
And people pay to be treated this way? Why don't they just get married to an American woman? (too bad there isn't a sarcasm font)
I just made an order online of things I needed from USA on Feb 13, 2016, It was shipped 16 Feb 2016 by Fed Ex (locally called Air 21 in PI) and...
Actually that is one lesson every foreigner here should learn ASAP that it is the Foreigners who will take you for all they can get including your...
Possibly a bit of both. Also the fact that the PI is a Matriarchal society where the woman pretty much run everything. Albeit from behind closed...
Agree. The Filipino's MUST do it for themselves. They have what they have because they are satisfied with what they have. It really is that...
BOI Site Still up now. Side note: I was at Immigration in Duma on Wednesday and they were not able to input the forms online for passengers who...
Thank you I will look into this book.
My sincerest condolences on the loss of one so cherished. May she leave a bright path for you to follow in your own time!
I don't know about fair trade as I am sure he lost a lot more than just money. Hopefully he learned a valuable lesson without losing his shirt....
Yes, the interest on normal accounts in USA is horrible (almost non-existant as it is here in PI) and the US banking system is not on very sound...
I agree with ChMacQueen cancel and then ask your neighborhood Sky cable representative to sign you up as new client for the better plan. Might...
Yes, that's not uncommon. Many locals never think any further than the moment (hand to mouth) and no forward thinking or planning. Welcome to the...
Yes, 100% correct. It's a PITA for you designated beneficiary to try to do that from USA for local PI accounts etc. Better everything stay in USA...
Not trying to be nitpicking but the tone of your text sounds like you are looking for a housemaid or house girl. If so, don't use the term "yaya"...
That sounds very similar to how The VA handles my local disability direct deposit. Only the recipients name (mine) on account (no spouse/SO...
Nice, I watched with my daughter and she said look Dad, there's Nemo at about 1:12. I got a chuckle out of it anyway! Thanks!!!
Honestly I do NOT know but they do have a Social Security Department at the US Embassy in Manila. Here is a link :...