Thanks! I think I will have to pass on going up there for now as I don't have a 4WD vehicle. I will check out the market though. We go there at...
No Squawk
For a newbie like me can I get a general set of directions to find it? Can I buy coffee from them direct or not?
Somewhat off topic but if you are out and about in Dumaguete city proper and want a cup of joe there is a coffee shop across the street from C&L...
Agree, especially in this age of dwindling budgets and cutbacks. But, I don't want to see America pulled into another useless war where the war...
Thanks, that's something worth looking into if/when I do solar myself. Something I hadn't thought of.
I always thought of them more like this: [MEDIA]
I agree! Actually having the military leave was an unintentional boon to the PI. When the U.S. Military left there was no Middle class to speak...
Time will tell, but I suspect you are correct. Traffic will probably get worse in the general vicinity of the new mall.
I don't know for sure but from what I could see from the street it didn't look anywhere near completion. Of course maybe they are hiding all the...
You run a good restaurant don't let the Ba$tard$ get you down. All my best! DaveD
Basically true but an oversimplification. Pinatubo had a lot to do with the decision also. When the Air Force evacuated it's personnel to Subic... | Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Went to see Deadpool today at Robinson's Place. I enjoyed the movie and as I went to early screening 12:45pm it was pleasant only noise was us...
Very nice!
The Chinese do like their Golf :rolleyes:
Sounds like business as usual in the PI. Workers are cheap and plentiful and companies don't want to pay benefits so it's contract labor for less...
Yes, there was a law passed but it is very loosely enforced (if at all) and the abuse still continues. The nurses affected are afraid to say...
Lucky he was not killed or more seriously injured! Wonder if he was given breathalyzer as mandated by PI law for all accidents involving damage to...
Looks nice, but I have seen many people on YouTube putting go pro's on a quad copter for much less. I can't see myself spending $1000USD on one.