Dumaguete never dropped the requirement for the drug test. Several other places haven't dropped it either. Maybe the law states that a drug test...
The article said that if you use international roaming on your phone that you don't need the Thai sim card. I personally can't see international...
Well, Duterte hasn't yet declared martial law, has he? Just threatened to do so. The Obama administration threatened to cut off federal funds to...
I wonder how many have passed away and nobody notified the government? That could lead to one heck of an overstay.
Some local would give me a sim and I would just use top up cards if I were worried about it. Use two phones and leave one at home.
I failed the California written test twice, I was a resident of the state of Texas, I finally asked for the handbook because if I failed again I...
It's usually difficult to find something with good, up to date title. If the title was up to date 30 years ago, there could be 40 co-tenant owners...
I doubt it's a huge problem, people being thrown out for interfering with the political process but I would neither attend a political rally nor...
Partly because you need to change the laws first. Many people don't ever care to learn much about the Philippines so they don't know about some of...
Maybe they need to designate an island as a prison and interdict it. Guard it with Cessnas armed with machineguns and radar buoys. Maybe if Jolo...
Some said they thought the bodies would litter the streets...and now they seem disappointed that it has not happened. Like Marvin the Martian,...
I give credence to what Alesypalsy says for the simple reason that they have been around a long time and I can't recall them complaining about...
I read the article, I didn't see where drugs were being manufactured in the jail?:confused:
That would be the first fast cat roro I have seen in the Philippines (but I haven't been everywhere), all others I have seen were passenger only....
A bit too risky for me, I would never let anyone know when or where I would be coming into possession of $3k USD in this country. WU will also...
If enough people demand to pay $80 to $100 USD per month for internet, then you will get fiber. I don't think there is enough of a market outside...
Nothing, because she wrote you a ticket for breaking the rules. Someone else breaking the rules doesn't absolve you from following the rules....
Hard to gather up any anger about the misuse of disaster relief funds anymore. It's like beggars, if people stopped giving them money, there would...
If you use an ATM in a bank lobby, you have a leg up on the complaints process. I avoid using ATM in the Philippines except to check my bank...