For me 10% if service is normal 15% if they are better. 20% if they entertained my child or did something beyond their regular service...
you might try Generika they have lots of products at very good prices. I have a generika card and get rewards points for every purchase that can...
Something I learned yesterday is that the U.S. Embassy sanctions a warden service. I met one yesterday. He can be very helpful when doing any...
One way to move the ref is to wrap it in cardboard and put it on the boat to Cebu then pick it up at the Cebu pier. Then you only need a local...
Filipino's should learn what Americans have over the years that if you want real progress and prosperity. Do not depend on the government for it....
Bypassing the government to Get the school system rebuilt in Leyte. US turns over new classrooms to Leyte high school
Short answer is yes. need to know the location of your nearest cell site and get a directional antenna like a yagi or dish. maybe have to put it...
sorry I should have been more specific. The Qualfon bldg. by the PNP station downtown. There is a coffee shop- on the first floor and the spa is...
I believe that the Spa across from the Qualfon bldg. has a sauna room plus massage package. Just a shower after the sauna there
The change of address is not an easy task. The requirements are posted on the BOI website. I fail to understand why they insist on making the...
The Royal spa across from the shipping pier has a sauna a Turkish bath after plus message package.
Until the problems with voter fraud are corrected the Electoral College format (which helps to alleviate the impact of fraud ) will not be...
I am no constitutional lawyer but I am pretty sure a Presidential Pardon can only happen after a person is actually convicted of a crime. Hillary,...
The Electoral College is based on equal voting power for less populated states. There is one electoral vote for every Senator and Member of the...
Apparently the Drug lords and the terrorist are joining forces to stay in business. Leaving the drug trades in favor of domestic kidnapping. Since...
Yes the PNP should be able to protect the people by all the standards I grew up with. However I learned the hard way that PNP officers are...
It happened here in Dumaguete just a year ago, and the conference was held at the provincial headquarters in Sibulan.
I can assure you this. If you are expecting the PNP to protect you and your family you will get screwed. They will not put their lives in danger...
The CIA, FBI, and NSA all work out of the Manila Embassy.