hehehe... Jealous of your Queen ? of course i am ! she is a queen and i am not :D
"Happiest Pinoy" is Dumagueteno A Dumagueteño was chosen as the happiest Filipino for having mastered the art of making people happy....
nice...! its good feeling to see in this site, for real the people in this forum come together and having a great time. Congratulation to...
respect Hopefully, people that will read this forum have something to learned. That the guys driving them around and earned their living in a...
just thinking.... Thanks goodness ! at least Filipinos are nor beautiful or ugly. It only means, we are the normal people in the world....
My best wishes My best wishes to you Ron & Rudy Mae You may live your life together full of love and happiness. Ron, is not that nice ,...
POOR BOY FROM DUMAGUETE TOPS PMA 'MASIDLAK' CLASS [PHOTO AT LEFT - Photo is loading... Vice Admiral Leonardo Calderon (second from...
may love will comfort you Teacher, My prayer that love will comfort you and your wife Lee in this time of your loss. I knew what you...
... :confused: yah...whose at fault in this situation ? kind of i need to pick which side i am :eek: will... the guy has the reason to invest...
When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity. Author:...
WINTER'S DELIGHTS. Now winter nights enlarge The number of their hours, And clouds their storms discharge Upon the airy towers....
Garbonzo, looking forward that your green hand will make it great debut in the Bacolod. All it takes is the new way of thinking and ideas. Beside,...
FRom last year to this year... JB, i pulled up your thread from last year for this year seasonal greeting's .:) Merry christmas everyone...
...burning leaves/grass specially early in the evening is a practice we do to get rid of the mosquitos.
:)... missing the warm temperature, warm salty water, salty fish,,,and all sooooo...tasty food .:p :)...thousand of beautiful places to...
ronv8917, Joing the forum meaning you are informed and warned, of all the possible scenario that can be happened. All i could...
this was the text my boyfriend received... "the baby need milk..." he text back.., "sorry we are not that close." :p
Gardonzo, you have a lots in your garden, how do you plant your vegetable...do you do it by group or have you been using the compatability of...
Rhood, yap ! his the one...the one that i almost lose in Dumaguete. Luckily he found his way home :p
Garbonzo, maybe you will find this one of interest for its business prospect and health benefits. You can research more about this plant. The...