"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened...
"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by...
hehehe...its understandable Jellyfish when you "sometimes" hanging out with good looking guys :D:D the smile take all the doubt anyway :D:D have...
Dear Friends, this is a need of your help to Please... vote this person Efren Peñaflorida as CNN hero for 2009. His already a hero in his own way...
"Your children will see what you're all about by what you live rather than what you say" Wayne Dyer " The greatest gifts you can give your...
The Road Not Taken Poet: Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long...
Thank a lot...JB :)
"You need a mind open to possibility, conditioned to love the creative spirit we all have inside ourselves." "The less you want, the richer...
Great ! that the filipinos spirit ! agains all odd and hardship the smile of triumph that they put up a good show. MABUHAY ! and to you...
Hi JB ! ...just my entro to say i am back !:D not regularly though :) we are now in red alert of this flu season. Hopefully not the forum :D...
you know who you become ? The Victor If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don’t If you like to win but...
"Use the word PERHAPS to change your negative beliefs to possibilities that invite ACTION and, ultimately, to positive beliefs and...
"For the love of this country, for the future of our children, for the many who have sacrificed and died to uphold our rights and ideals, I urge...
Be patient and endure. The longest day has the shortest night. To my fellow filipino , you all will make it and will result of a better human...
" honey i am not mad , it's my period " :D me this morning
season of life in canada Autumn Autumn it was when droop'd the sweetest flow'rs, And rivers, swoll'n with pride, o'erlook'd the banks;...
Westerners are more whiter that us filipinos, easy to see in the dark and the children are cuter and good looking :D in addition filipina that...
wow ! i read long before come to the end and post hehehehe..., Marriage is like a life sentence that someone order for you to take. It will be...
Loving my man Chris my boyfriend and I has a 10 years aged gap. We meet here in Canada a year after i came . His my first boyfriend at...
sorry meant so well if no excuses will be said. Thats what i learned after having a man in my life. When i was young, i will say sorrybut, i will...