Happy Birthday Dane I like others thank you for this great site...Hope to meet you in Dumaguete one day soon.... Southerndon
Thanks, I assumed I was losing touch since it had been a while. Can I assume what your telling me is...the sticker shock is unwarranted? I...
I have been reading through the adds for apartments for rent and houses too...I really prefer a house and my GF recommends an apartment. I...
I have to agree with JSS... Good and bad exist from all four corners of the world. I personally take things one person at a time and judge them...
I'm american...and if anyone should feel like an "alien" it would be Kano...I felt so at ease in Dumaguete from day one. Not because of the...
When i was in Dumaguete I played pool in the music box AKA why not... some of hte best players i've ever met were in there often... I think...
Marky It's nice to see someone else post the Rule #1. I have told folks that for a few years now and they always think I'm being negative about...
Hello Everyone, I am new in here..I have lurked from time to time but finally joined. I had the pleasure of spending 10 weeks in Dumaguete...