What you say about shooting and killing things here is all too true. I chased a 6 year old boy out of my garden just the other day because he was...
I have been told here in Cebu that the reason birds here are killed is because of the bird flu virus which hit some number of years ago. They...
Similar, but different joke on video. YouTube - FUNNIEST COMMERCIAL EVER!‏
Singapore divorces are accepted here and I know two seamen who took advantage of it so they could remarry.
I have a 14 year old sister in law and she will be looking for such a group at the end of this coming school year. I hired her to paint our house...
True, if you keep it at around 28 degrees celcius and run a small fan on low in the baby's direction, she will be just fine. Ours suffered a lot...
File the birth records with your home country and when the birth certificate is issued from there, you can correct the name any way you like. We...
Google your unit+ downloads and if there is an online archive for your product, it should all come up there.
I have a friend (American) who is into construction and I think he is going to work there after he arrives in Duma in July. He has been living in...
I have contacted an attorney here who specializes in real estate law and he told me that the 3 year law mentioned to me by the real estate agent...
I'm not sure if I read this properly, but what I saw was a property on Tax Declaration status must be in the name of the titler for at least 3...
Well thank goodness it wasn't a foreigner then. We have enough problems trying to keep our names clear and off the police blotters lately.
Just tell a tricycle driver what you are looking for and what price range and for a couple hundred pesos, he'll haul you around for a good while....
I suppose we are all guilty, here is another link describing a "near" cheese, or cheese food. Please note the chemicals and chance of possible...
Sorry, but not all cheese comes from "sour milk". Cook's Thesaurus: Cheese Substitutes
Isn't that a fake cheese anyway? I do know it tasted horrible when I tried it a few years ago and I wouldn't care if they sold it for P1.50 for a...
Cebu anapog seems to have some clay mixed into it as it is yellow/orange rather than white, I am not sure but I think there is sand or something...
Is there a fill aggregate in Duma called anapog? I have been told that Cebu is the only place in the Philippines that has it and I really doubt...
I don't know, but that is what it is called in this area, Phinglish, a combination of Filipino and English. Sort of like Taglish (without the...
I really like this one!