I have also noticed a lot of times that I can buy one item much easier than I can buy two or more. For example, I go to a Sari-Sari and ask for...
I know a fellow who started out three years ago selling Fortune Reds at a stop light in Mandaue. He saved up money earned at his job and bought a...
It is also known as Phinglish in some areas.
Your butt is eating your pants, (stuck in the crack). Laundry the clothes. She for he and he for she.
"They will (or will not) "entertain" you. Graduating classes are called "batches" and schools name the most popular boy as "Prince Charming", but...
People want hard facts in a news story, not gossip. Especially gossip generated by the officials who are most likely to lie (not naming any...
Sounds like my wife.
My favorite tactic is the old "Bait and switch", not just at any particular store, but almost anywhere one goes. Advertise an item for a...
Money over life. a shoplifter escaping is more important to most stores, so safety goes out the window, at least until a real tragedy occurs.
Oh, ok, Smart is the name of the carrier. As I stated, the wife is the cellphone nut, I hate telephones of any kind and dread using any of them...
Could I ask you how much that plan costs per month and which carrier I would have to go through?
The wide and I looked at the ads and saw only about P2,000 difference in the phones, but the 12 Meg cam was what sold her. Thanks Rhoody.
We've decided my wife would be happiest with the P22,000 Apple Touch Screen. 16G and all the bells and whistles.
I couldn't agree with you more. I guess I should have said what you said when I posted the link, thanks Di.
It seems that Jack Russels are quite popular here. Here is an ad for example and there are plenty more online. Jack Russell Terriers For Sale in...
I know grass/mold allergies and high humidity/heat play heck with the skin of short haired dogs. I guess a regular shampoo with a baking soda...
Oops, missed the thread that already had the Jack Russels in it. If anyone knows of a good breeder, let me know as I am looking to buy one or two...
Have you thought about getting a Jack Russel? Great dog, lost of energy, smart and easily trained as watchdogs, but good with children. As a...
The truck I saw wasn't a box truck, but if you talk to the, they might have one of those too. I contacted the friend who used them and it turns...
We have men here with trucks (Cebu) who only charge us P10,000 to load, haul and unload in Dumaguete door to door for only P10,000 If anyone is...