You know what's really funny? I didn't have an ongoing ticket when I landed in Manila 5 short years ago and wasn't told I needed one until I got...
Works both ways and some people on both sides just don't understand that.
I don't think anyone is trying to slag off on the Philipinos here, it all boils down to one thing and that is change. The people here want...
I was my own foreman and would never leave anyone in charge of building a house for me. Even in the states, I was on hand at all times when I was...
I tried building a house and after three crews, I had to give up and sell the lot. I was wanting to build a decent house, but the Filipino crews...
I read it, but am not buying it for a minute. I still feel that the pimp who came forward (pimps turn their heads so they don't see anything to...
My mother was full blooded Cherokee and you are right about the sharing amongst the poor who live in small spaces together. Dad had a problem...
I'll mark it on my calendar, but it might be handier if I could just send you the money when you're ready to butcher/sell and pick the bird up in...
I can't find the link at the moment, but one of the members here told me that there was a casino on the boulevard. It doesn't really matter...
I really dislike Cebu for many reasons, pollution and high prices are at the head of the list. From what I have been able to find out, one can...
No, I really don't know a lot about the area, but I have friends who have been there and some of them are moving there. The problem is, I am a...
Yes, thank you, at least I won't have to go through the hassle of changing banks.
How much do you charge for your dressed turkeys? I haven't had any for nearly 6 years now.
Is there a BPI in Duma yet?
The small town I grew up in had catholic sponsored bingo for cash. When Illinois was about to begin the State Lottery, the catholics were the...
If it is anything like the states, the catholics want the monopoly on all of the gambling.
Spring time, fruits ripening, you name it.
Yes, that's pretty much what I was saying. People do seem to put on a different personna on the computer than what they present in a face to face...
You know, that is true in a lot of cases. I have met guys who hide behind their computers and in real life, they aren't the same people....
Apparently you are okay if you can remember what goes before the memory. I never could get a satisfactory answer to that question.