thanks hey thanks very much steveb. we finally got our beach lot there in dauin, if ok i may contact you nearer the time when i am...
Bringing my dogs along! Excellent thread and very handy for me, i will be needing to do this trip soon from angeles city to dumaguete,...
Just to add its always good if you can feed them all at the same time once a day (early evening) as this would be the sort of time intruders may...
Hi expatron, you need to teach your dogs to only eat from their bowls when you or family members feed them, when you put the food down...
the only draw back was the flys Were they in your soup? usually you would get charged extra for that so i would keep quite about it!:p
I can continue to dream foto!
You throwing in the drink holder with this machine? thanks
Well thank you very much for an excellent detailed post Don, That was an excellent review, I returned back to luzon last night but was in Dum...
Could you give me a rough idea of the cost of beach front land in the north area please rhoody, around 1500 pesos a SQM is a guess? cheers
Yes i have seen some lovely houses comming over on the ferrie... i shall take a look soon in the north part of the coast cheers
Hi firefly, please could you elaborate on what you mean ? thanks
Cheers Pato, I got 2 young children, they for sure keep us occupied somewhat, One of my quarms is the place i am considering moving to is...
Thanks for some interesting reading, As for myself when i first visited a couple of years ago i think 2009, i was looking at a business for...
thanks very much firefly
Hi to board members, Well I have read a few posts here about people relocating from a foreign land to dum but i wonder have any of you guys...
So wobblybob you still looking for a house there? cheered up now?
Could anyone please tell me if the times are the same as first posted as it was some time ago! I will be using the service cebu to dum next...
Just out of curiosity what is possible for the government to do about the situation? I dont think there is much they can do anywhere in the...
Thanks for the honest answer Rhoody..... I dont think it will put us of relocation there but it has given some extra thoughts for sure
Sorry to ask the question but has this happened before on this scale or is this a rouge typhoon?