While foul language is unacceptable, you really cannot blame him. How would you feel if he went to your country and stayed there as a guest and...
when the brownout lasts for 2-8 hours, it's either the power company or the electric cooperatives that are doing preventive maintenance or...
a picture would be nice.
btw, they actually move farther away when you go near and try to grab them. haven't experienced being jumped on yet. that makes them afraid of us,...
to get them off your house, chase them with a water gun. or just catch them and put them outside. works for me. but they're still noisy. :D
for expats, i wouldn't recommend that you break any laws. there's too much for you to loose. you're a walking ATM to the corrupt enforcers.
There are a lot of healthy food choices really but you have to cook them yourself or by someone who's also into healthy living because most...
not sure about early may but there should be a few. on the last week of may, there's the santa cruzan parade, among other things.
i know someone who's selling her car here in dumaguete. it's more or less near your price but i'm sure you can negotiate. i'll ask her about the...
most people here that talk about fishing go to the sea or beach so maybe the lakes don't have that much a catch.
the auxillary force (qualified civilians) will replace the desk/office personnel only so all armed cops doing office duty can now patrol the...
unless you have connections up high, just sell your boat and buy one here. let a local friend do the negotiating so that you can avoid the long...
very true. most crimes are committed in dark/low light portions of the city. less/no witnesses or can hardly make out bad guys' faces.
btw, we're in the wrong section so this thread might be moved. this is supposed to be in the General Chat section. :D
Where are my manners? :D Male, born and raised in Dumaguete. Been with Silliman since 3 years old however I graduated from ACSAT (long story)...
i know someone who fishes at the end of the airport runway. some also fish at the dumaguete seaport (at night only). :D
wonder what the PNP is up to these days.
if you want to wait longer, don't bother paying the "express fee" :D
i've only tried having my passport renewed by a local travel agency, but then again i'm not a foreigner so i wouldn't know if it also works that...
if you pass perdices street, it takes 10 minutes alone :D