I had an instant water heater hooked up to my kitchen faucet and I got little electrical shocks every time I would use the water/touch the...
NORECO will never change, it doesn't sound like they have changed in the 5 years I have been gone. We had a generator, a UPS power supply for our...
Thank you for asking. I was 49 when he passed, I had to come back to the states to go back to work. I will not be eligible for retirement for some...
When I lived there, I LOVED the smiles everywhere! It didn't matter if they were rich or poor, the Filipinos always had a smile to offer. I miss...
Banks are closed?? I guess they aren't under the same laws as the US. I work at a bank in the US and we must stay open, by law, people have to...
I have been thinking a lot about when I lived there, how people would crowd each other out of lines outside of the bank before opening, at the...
I left there in 2015, and I was surprised at that time Noreco hadn't set up an online payment system. You mean to tell me you STILL have to go get...
Here in Oklahoma, we had a few that were being watched, but was determined they were negative. No confirmed cases here thus far.....
I remember, many years ago, when we had to get our car tag renewed, we went to the smog test place and we were told by some friends to ask the...
We bought our car from Chevrolet in Bacolod, and I believe we got to test-drive the car we intended to purchase. That was 8 years ago, though.
I used Mike Miguel, also
Has there been any word on what was the cause of the fire in Calindagan? I am in the US so only getting bits and pieces from the internet.
It is sad, but my daughter was shamed in front of her entire 6th grade class about her weight, by her teacher (at SHS)!! She said to her "you...
Another thing that folks need to be made aware of regarding face masks: Face masks are not reversible. The colored (blue/green) outer layer is...
This is why it is very important to have all of your luggage secured with locks and never, ever lose sight of your carry-ons. I was warned by a...
I would like to add my two-cents to the face-mask discussion.... Disposable face-masks, that you most often seen being used, are good at...
Yes, the dentist I use here in Oklahoma told me my crown would need re-done as it does not fit properly. I have not pursued getting it redone as...
They are sure adorable!!
You could try this: I just found online, not sure how relevant/current it is: [ATTACH]
At the time I was in Dr. Garupa's office, it was not for the emergency treatment, because I very well might have used her at that particular time...