welcome to the forum ralph1862. so you have considered moving here. have you heard the saying, trying before buying? you will be coming here to...
looks different than the one in the posters...or my eyes failing me :confused:
how do we know one is DI member when we go to the mall someday?
ur grasscutter is the diaphragm type carburetor...not the heavy duty type. do u mean "sold" as someone already got it or is it still available?
i wonder what must be destroyed in order to create Nature
hi gwaps, why bothered about being homesick when you are almost in heaven? mr john denver said it...and you are in west virginia, right? :D
have you heard this happening other than the philippines? or this is just filipino folk tale.
what? :)...what do u think? is it surreal?
how bout alternative theraphy? everyone gets sick, the wealthy as well as the poor. just make sure you are affordable and really does make things...
trouble finding people to work for you? maybe you are not providing a good offer.
i+1 for this :D
the previous post did not work i do not know why. but here is the link i would like to share with you all. i just wonder if this is really...
deleted post
dgte connection is slow pls dont upload big pictures thanks but please consider your readers with slow connection.
i am a satisfied hilux owner and driver but i will have to honestly say i like the new strada. yes there is a mitsubishi dealership just some 150...
thank you rhoody...splendid