It is a hit and miss at the best of times, you pays your money and takes your chances.
Was having dinner at hayahay with my partener two Hayahay is a sh*t hole was having dinner there two years ago went to go to the cr took a wrong...
The whole country is lawless!
Disgusting incident it was.
And that really is a silly question.
Not going to happen.
Agree 100%
That is why in the safety manual for the construction industry it states if you are 10 or more feet above ground level you must wear a safety...
Not me i am always a happy drunk. The worst thing i ever did when i was very very drunk was i tried to kill a stick with a snake.
Carefully choose your words when talking to your neighbour about the problem.
I speak with facts about a friend of mine who had a joint bank account with his phil wife, he passed away and when the bank found out he had died...
When it comes to the local food there is no such thing as delicacies. The philippines is not known for it,s fine cuisine.
If you are over by 1 day or 20 days you will have to pay for the extension at the airport and you could be subject to a penalty, best to go to...
Before i arrived there this person introduced himself to my friends and asked if he could join the table they knew him for all of about 2 hours...
Was having drinks with friends yesterday at Why Not, i was introduced to a person who later in the afternoon got very very drunk and passed out at...
Going to take a walk tomorrow in some small little walkways to see if i can find a cure for my sore back.
Don,t have here in Dumaguete.
You can also get the vlasic brand of dill pickles at the lee plaza grocery store along with a very good selection of various spices, but my first...