It is the same when you build your home...no one will ever stop by to inspect anything. Someone will stop by once you are done to assess your...
I agree 100%; bad breeding can result in dogs with social and health issues that no matter the love or vet visits can take care of. A good...
The great debate about purebred and mutts. If you surf the internet the opinions are quite strong for both ends and quite passionate in many...
Joints and eggplants are not on the menu; but those ribeyes may be. Shawn
Thanks for all the info...need to think about this a bit more as the PI does seem to make things a bit more complicated than they should be. I'll...
I've been a member for quite awhile and have heard that it is not worth shipping a vehicle to the Philippines; but curious if anyone has actually...
Pat...I think a good number of folks are quite content in the life's they have for themselves in the Philippines. The limited number of folks I...
I agree with many posters...it is really about where you end up being comfortable as well as where you wife/SO is from as many (including myself...
Well...never been to the other places so can't judge them (been overseas too long I guess) but when working in remote locations one of the many...
Is it just the dating websites or a bit of FB as well? I don't have a FB acct but have heard some interesting stories. One SIL has a couple of...
Excellent point I failed to mention, if you have a loose connection at a breaker it will feel warm and you could see overheating of the wires...
If your voltage is only 167 volts, then most likely the transformer is overloaded with too many houses coming off of it and/or your service drop...
I've caught tilapia on lures and earthworms at Twin Lakes and striped snakehead and catfish in some ponds in Mabinay (don't remember the name of...
Looks like this thread has not gotten much attention recently...too bad as it was probably one of my favorite threads. Anyway, we BBQ quite a bit...