All that leaves me shell-shocked.
Most of the price rises we are seeing for food and commodities is just opportunism. Much of it has no relation to the cost of raw materials,...
There is no appointment date required, unlike last year. Just turn up with your document copies and QR code and wait your turn there at BI.
Regarding the two-lane sections up to Siaton, I regularly use this route. As you mention, one brain-celled drivers plodding along in the left lane...
The traffic signals are a Mayoral vanity project. As you say, total waste of time and cash.
All standard Mios are air cooled - mine is. Not sure which, if any model is liquid cooled. It's fully automatic, so you cannot change gear...
Yeah, we have found something similar online, thanks. I found that also with musical instrument teaching. Some tutors are good, some not so good.
Have stayed at Maefinn many times and eaten out in Bayawan, just about every decent establishment (there ain't many!). Never seen a steak.
John Boy. I think the world has moved on. Once this is all over, there will be a period of gnashing of teeth and some posturing from politicians,...
Great, thanks Dutchie. Seems straightforward, just so strange I had none of this exiting last year.
Thanks much.
As I said, I have a 13A with ACR-i card and had not been out of the Philippines for 18 months when I left last April. Very confusing. Would be...
Hi. Not being an expert on these things......we have an electronic keyboard. It can be programmed to sound like a piano, or pretty much anything...
The more you search this, the more confusing it gets. I was not asked for this after an 18 month stay on 13A visa. I had return flight tickets....
I have 13A visa and flew out of NAIA in April. Not sure what an ECC is, but I did nothing in advance and just went as directed to pay the exit tax...
None of which are actually in Dumaguete, but a central base to stay, I guess.
In Manila, I went to the passport control and they just sent me to a desk at the end to pay that exit tax, if that's what you mean. Around 2 minutes.
Thanks Crystal. Yeah, seen some of those, but looking for that personal one-to-one. There's a music tuition place in Dumaguete, but you have to...
Does anyone know where to get home based keyboards lessons? Thanks
Anyone recommend a surgeon for an inguinal hernia repair? Thanks