My speculative, unsupported guess is that it is some government agency that is poisoning the dogs due to the fear of Rabies. They are having...
If anyone is interested in farming or livestock in the Philippines, I recommend starting dairy, there is almost no dairy products that are locally...
I use a local Texas brand, pasture fed. You can use any type of butter though but some of the cheaper ones have a high water content which makes...
The Streisand Effect.
Yeah, the fake egg thing didn't seem believable. Why make fake eggs? They make plywood in the Philippines but the whole lumber industry has shrunk...
If you have good butter it is easy to make, basically you just boil it. I make my own.
My Filipina wife is much more impatient and demanding about these things than I ever could be, whether we are in the States or the Philippines....
Old white guy with young Filipina. Might be factual but it is not what most Filipinos want portrayed. I don't think it is offensive but it also...
The Philippines had more Starbucks than any other country outside of the US at one time. I think they are down to 10th place now. I really don't...
People are assholes everywhere, I guess the issue for ex-pats is, whether you like it or not, you are representing all ex-pats, at least those...
What a soap opera.
I've only seen Kenny Roger's Roasters in the Philippines, despite being named Kenny Roger's Roasters. I've also been unable to find an American...
What is the wattage on your system? I was going to reply that if you need to pump some water or keep your computer running solar will work but it...
You need to take that guy around to the backwaters and give the locals a show, I'm 6'3" and they goggle at me.
Have you visited? I am just wondering if his internet prices are export oriented and he has Filipino prices on location.
I don't know, I think an ex-pat wet t-shirt contest would draw the crowds in in droves.
Maybe try this place:
I'm from Arizona, and lived in Lake Havasu, and for everyone that made money investing there a dozen lost a bundle. Same story in a couple of...
I'm sure there are lots of basketball courts needing to be built as well.