Build, build, build.
Clearly the the first article was false, the person they said was arrested and charged was not arrested and charged and is still in the same...
It seems to say that you have to be here on a visa and have an established business to avail of this visa for establishing a business. I suppose...
I suggest that the admins remove the post. For the sake of accuracy and your own protection.
No, I was just curious, since to get to Manila he had to take a long flight, the one hour hop to get to Dumaguete doesn't seem like it would be...
Some might find the Heritage Foundations Index of Economic Freedom interesting. Even if you don't like the Heritage Foundation. You might also...
I tempted to debate the idea that these regulations did what you claim but not even I, a libertarian, really argues for NO regulation, just like...
Sure, the most obvious one being a sales tax. When Amazon grew to be Amazon that was a big deal, no sales tax for almost everybody. There are...
I'm still a little confused about the 60/40 corporations and owning land. I'm not sure how that plays out entirely regarding land ownership.
How did he get to Manila? I'm pretty sure he wasn't born there.
Because he invests enough money and does it through a corporation.
One of the reasons Amazon was able to kill the mall though was because it was able to position itself favorably regarding taxes, laws, regulations...
Duterte promised death squads and he is delivering, the Commies promised death squads and are delivering. Probably a good deal of bribes,...
Prices seem totally out of whack to me. They have to be dependent on foreign buyers, so few Filipino's can afford that range. It certainly isn't...
Seems like Venezuela might be a good place for him too.
I guess the Ladyboy biker gang is not the biggest threat to worry about anymore.
As notmyrealname said, I'm comparing to the US because I understand the numbers here, but the numbers aren't a result of who is buying or my being...
I have a hard time understanding the discrepancy between house and land costs and rental costs in the area. The rents are relatively low but the...
I have to say your opinion doesn't seem to be unbiased. You aren't selling property are you?