Sounds like you are wanting to wire a subdivision from a pole on the main road which is probably already overloaded. If your property doesn't...
Call them and find out. I would like to know also. shakey aka John
President Duterte wants to scrap inefficient Jeepneys and Tricycles and replace them with electric or solar powered Beeps at great cost to owners...
The President in his June 5th speech overturned the Cebu governments proposal to allow backriding. I don't understand Taglish but here is what...
This is the news link describing Monday's Strike and the get tough rule against back riders on motorcyles. Things to consider about tricycle...
The key word is doorbell in the context of a button at the gate to alert those inside that someone outside the gate needs attention.
I have one gate for receiving which is monitored on CCTV. My problem is the wireless doorbell receiver is in my office and can't be heard all over...
Water distribution is an infrastruction problem when every customer had a single story house or nipa hut along major roads regardless of whether...
I received a Ninjavan delivery yesterday vendors own packaging don't know how it got here. I regularly receive Manila Shopee by J&T Express. They...
There are lots of links on Youtube. All are about 1:10 minutes. The official one is here. Rappler has a link about the same length. [MEDIA]...
That is one of many Youtube links. ABS/CBN isn't exactly one of government's friends and he did say the Pasig river but some translations...
Last Friday in President Duerte in his TV rambleton speech warned be aware of buying masks online from sellers not in Manila. Masks stolen and...
HLURB can be your "Friend" for you and your attorney. Thomas law will let you search for HOA cases. Without looking at a pdf copy of the actual...
1. The daily amount of withdrawal from your foreign account restriction is set by your bank and you consulting with them. The usual default amount...
There are several usual places that are usually overlooked. 1. Rejoice hardware 2. Uymatio building supplies 3. Omega 4. Polaris, they are not...
The Philippine government has approved that those in the Philippines may volunteer as subjects in Clinical Trials of Covid-19 vaccines in one of...
How do you pay the P200000 plus shipping and customs? Here is a way. You are the importer. shakey aka John
The LTO registration of Evehicles is here. shakey aka John
Firmbuilders did modified panel houses back several years ago in Maslog, Sibulan Estancia subdivision. Their version used 4 foot inner and outer...
I have noticed it takes about 7 days for foreign money to show up in Philippines bank accounts whereas in the U.S. it may take 3 days for...