The tuesday/friday veggie market at EJ Blanco and National Hwy wil permit you to choose you won degree of ripeness on the tomatoes--lots of red...
Just returned from there April 12th---if they hit the Subterranean River, it is a "target rich environment" in the waiting area---tons of...
I had a parallel experience---2nd person in the door, out in less than 10 minutes, returned at 3:30 for passport and visa extension. Our local...
This is a variation on one of the oldest scams around---it was even featured in one of the early scenes in the movie "The Sting". Truly and...
Lets not even address the issue of airport landing safety! If the city cant even get one landowner to "top" his trees for the safety of the...
Jo Jolo Island, the home base, should be turned into a cinder as a "warning" to other militant groups!
Coral Cay Resort, San Juan, Siquijor
100% Of US Warming Is Due To NOAA Data Tampering | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog World leaders duped by manipulated global warming data |...
In 1797, the French people had had enough of this type of excess and corruption. I wonder how that would translate into Tagalog?
Non-doctored data, for starters!
You can go for the sunrise at Ankor, tour there til the heat really hits, then come back the following day for Bayon before the tour buses arrive....
When my gf and i went to Siem Reap, the pencil-necked pinoy official was a total pain in the butt, since this was her first stamp in a new...
The road fr the road from Ste. Catalina to Pamplona has some spectacular views. Last time I rode it (6 months ago) the road was generally good,...
Since it Since it has taken almost a year on one occasion and over a year on a second occasion to receive an I-card from BOI, it would be the...
Or the b Or the barber shop at Hibard and E.J. Blanco---40p, good cut and very efficient
This decline, coupled with the dramatic lack of foreign investment(, does not bode well for the...
Boot them or tow them---what a source of revenue for the city/politicians! Most major citys in the West have provisions for removing the offenders...
Was in the theater in Tagbilaran, Bohol last week watching a movie. Young pinoy with a super-bright smartphone seated several rows and seats...
Marc, Rusi also has a three wheeler that looks more robust than the Racal version. I was looking at both and would purchase the Rusi over the...
I just made a 20,000p withdrawal on the 28th of June from the BPI atm located near Hotel Nicanor---my Wells Fargo card has the chip embedded, but...