if time is not an issue maybe just meet up with a DI member who is heading to the states for a visit and have them pop it in the mail when they...
pm sent
everyone seems only concerned about cost of premiums when imho the important question is what will my philhealth coverage get me in case of...
so now it takes 2 trips to cebu for ECC ffs...wonderful
Imho many are wrongly looking only at the yearly premium whether p2400 or p18000 is irrellavant when considering the biggest change is the new...
Ok...I know I need an ECC..I know I need to go to Cebu...last time was about 30 min and done...have heard now its 5 days wait meaning 5 days hotel...
In duma hosp writing this.Dont bother with Philhealth Ins as of june 2017.I have been a huge fan of Philhealth for years and have benefitted...
last time ecc in cebu immigration only took me about 30 min...has this changed?
all i needed was copies of paperwork from dealer to get my temp plate...only waited 2 1/2 years to get my plate..welcome to the phils
at about km six and a half on north side of road at the new water place they have a white truck with a big open box with for rent sign in...
i have used Manila Express for a box from Canada...$80 Can and about six weeks
must just be my area then..thnx too bad services paid for cant be as reliable as the billing department..lol
my fil cable has been out since last nite...anyone else or just me?
a bunch more streets closed down or made into impromptu one ways with no SENSE or REASON..GRIDLOCK!even on my scooter was at a standstill until...
Dr. Michael T. Ozoa works out of both silliman and holy child. 0917 314 3255 good urologist
bought a new bike from kymco dealer here...waited 2 1/2 yrs for my plate..so happy to finally have it!went for my next reg and smoke test only to...
just got a quote from aces..about 85000p per eye (with phil health) and a trip to cebu for measurements
imo still one of the best deals in the phils,,i have been in hospital here twice and philhealth covered a good portion of bill both times...WAY...
a great start..hope it continues