There is a breeder for rotties who lives in Talay. He breeds them for Dog competitions, so the pups he sells are pedigreed dogs. He sells the pups...
Postal ID still requires a birth cert though, Mike.
A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there was a small hotel near Fooda in Mango Avenue called Eddie’s Hotel who served really good...
Have you checked Berovan?
They usually indicate in their rental ads what furniture they are leaving you with. Having said that, it is usually bed, kitchen table and chairs...
Security Bank atm accepts Unionpay. For a fee.
I find that the schools here are more into memorization as opposed to teaching their kids to think critically. The students can easily spout...
Solenea apartments. Just right across Rustans. Php2,800 a night for a king bed.
Maybe he meant the Why Not in Bayawan. ;)
Forrest Camp sells real honey. I saw them advertising it.
For those of you who have clothing (mens, ladies, and esp kids clothing) and childrens toys you want to get rid of, I am happy to take them off...
Marrieta Utzurrum can help you with terrains. She does landscaping for most resorts. She owns Plantasia in Sibulan. Another alternative would be...
Bian Yek Tire Division Near Robinsons Mall
Go to Cebu. I heard Olegario charges an arm and a leg and prescribes expensive therapy (courtesy of his wife) they dont need.
You mean you actually trust your justice system?
Or put up your ad at and choose from a pool of freelancers to do it for you.
So can I hire your wife for my snake problem? I provide free food.
Although not as much as the men. ;)
Good to know.
I went to Negros Builders (near Robinson’s) to look at their tile selection and I mentioned to them that I used to get my tiles from...