I've often wondered, "What were they thinking? Did they think the girls would say, 'Wow, I like a guy who's crude and obnoxious; mind if we go...
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Of course the egg. You don't have chicken until lunch.
Looks like a letter to Heloise is in order!
Ronondo gives us a great story and some people have to drag it through the mud. The gift horse always has bad breath. One can always find an...
Oh, don't get me started on Bush...too late. I live in Texas, so I saw the way Bush and Karl Rove work way before the rest of the country. And as...
The dollar is the one getting weak. For the first time ever, the Canadian dollar is worth slightly more than the U.S. dollar.
I don't think it's so simple as that people always want to be what they aren't. That's part of it, but I do agree that there's an underlying...
I'm a little confused. You say you have the latest SI and F&S, but you want a magazine. You mean those or something else? Richard
Hey, I stuck with Da Boys through the tough years. But I've always rooted for Da Bears as long as dey weren't playin' Da Boys.
Sorry, but the Supreme Court has nothing to do with it. The constitution can only be changed with a proposal by either two-thirds majorities of...
And, by the way, I'll be sure to come by. Richard
That's the last game I'll see before we leave. I'll miss Philly, Carolina and Washington. I'm hoping I can get at least one of those, maybe get...
Shouldn't it be a lotopo'me?
Bush: "I said wanted a scourge. They thought I said surge. Oh well, if it's working, I'll take credit!"
Back in the eighties, I made myself a bumper sticker that said "Life's a peach; then you pie!" It was in answer to the "Life's a b***h; then you...
Are you kidding? We scaked Favre and got two scores from interceptions from him before he went out. He's never won at Texas Stadium. No way he...
I've heard that cable TV in the Philippines has gotten better since I was there last. Is it possible to get NFL games there? I'll be there in a...
It would take more than a petition. It's written into the constitution. It would take a constitutional amendment. Not a chance. No, Arnold will...
It might help if they'd quit electing actors. We tried it in the U.S. and got shafted for eight years.
Did you hear about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac? He stayed up all night wondering if there really is a dog.