They need to set up dummy check points, then pounce on the unsuspecting motor bike riders (with no licence or rego) that are waiting 50m from the...
The Private school where my 12 year old step daughter goes is nothing more than a day care center. I refuse to send her to a public school...
Next time a monkey overtakes me whilst I am turning I am going to run him over.
silverbullet submitted a new Showcase Item: Duplex Furnished 2 Beds, Bacong [ 2 Bed furnished Duplex, long term rental - Tel 09163311189 Address...
2 BEDROOM FURNISHED DUPLEX (Half House) FOR RENT Address - Sto Nino road, San Miguel, Bacong Php 20,000 per month (minimum 6 month lease). Robin...
I don't expect good service but I do expect decent food, both of which are rare.
Will they still be in business next year? Foreigner businesses usually don't last long here. I wish them luck though.
you cant have any railway tracks in the Philippines because people would live on them and alongside them. Any monorail train or bullet train would...