In the hopes that we will sell our home soon, I was hoping people living in Negros Oriental could talk about their experiences with finding a...
You have an excellent eye dav and I look forward to seeing anything you post in the future. Tom
If you two are going to do some hero worship of Mr. Rhoody, could someone grab one of his previously posted pictures and photoshop a pretty cape...
Josephen put it nicely, "everyday life". I personally think your eye for these kind of photos are excellent. Thanks for sharing and I look...
Hannah, Very well said. They need a speaker like you to clarify and emphasis these type of issues. Tom
Hi Rob, Welcome to the forum and good luck on your exam on the 10th, although I'm sure you'll do fine. Tom
The rice crisis has hit the U.S. also. As scary as it is, we still have barely enough to buy. People who shop at Sams and Costco (big wholesale...
RHB bee, your kinda a provocative nerd, but I enjoy your steadfast positive attitude and am glad you'd never lower yourself to speak badly of...
yabs, it sounds like your still on the fence on this issue. I'm pretty sure Rhoody mentioned something about you crying once because you dropped...
I like the boulevard pic because most of the times I seldom see people take photos of that area with so many people. Very nice. The pic of the...
Thanks for the photos. I look forward to seeing more of your pics. The color saturation is perfect.
Hi Nalyn, Welcome to the forum. So the difference between Cebu and Dumaguete is a lot? Out of curiosity, are the prices for food and rents...
Johnboy, That bike in the Uk is awesome. That would probably be an interest for alot in PI wouldn't it? It could be an interesting market to...
Habitat is a great organization that President Carter brought out, I'm not sure if it was an obscure organization before him or if he actually...
I guess my questions are not actually going to be answered, by you teach, which speaks volumes in itself. I will say that I like the way Dane...
Glad you have a good sense of humour phil.
Well I wish I could give you a date as to when we are arriving but the real estate market is a bit iffy over here right now. So, I'll lose out on...
I know you have mentioned leaving the forum another time and changed your mind and stayed and you are mentioning on the forum about leaving again?...
Well Swany, don't forget to stop by and pick up my wife. The little aussie would love it. Plus, the big bonus, I wouldn't have to go with her....
I know my wife would be happy to have a nice big ol' mall in Dumaguete and would probably go there at least a couple times a week to do her window...