Gentleman robber Well, I dont like criminals to much. But this gentle charming robber makes an exeption-- YouTube - Raw Video: Man...
Options? How about surprice your wife, and make it a romantic evening in Happy Freds this time?:D
Pizza Restaurant Hi, Just want to tell about my Pizza rest. It's difficult to run. Seems like nobody eats pizza anymore?
Faster fasterrr Hi again, I am back, safe and sound in Norway now. With a REAL internet connection. Sorry, cant help--lol
Not an alcoholic I just want to inform you : I am not an alcoholic, I am a DRUNK. Alcoholics goes to meetings--:mad:
Nuts So, it boils down to this-- Dumaguete is full of nuts-- no problems--:)
Land of the free-- Hi again, I just love America- the freeways the skyscrapers everything. But in California the laws are strict-- There are...
apples First time I went there I bring apples--lol
Helmets always This is just to make sure, I always insist on wearing a helmet. And also my GF should-- Here we are on our way to visit granny,...
Ambar the gorilla. :) Some people still think we all came from the ape family. But look at Ambar here in video. lol YouTube -...
Sure chat up lines- I have a new chat up line that works everytime!! It doesn't matter how gorgeous or out of my league a woman might be, this...
Overstaying Ok, well you really know you're stayed to long in the Philippines, when the footprints on top of your toilet bowl is your own---:D
The sinking dollar. Hi people of gentle city. Sad to see the dollar is going down in flames. But luckily The great new prez. has a new set of...
Ok Hi again . Well thanks alot for all the responce, I got a lot more than I ever expected. And most of you seems to think moving away is the...
Ok, that 1 million motors was the ones in Negros
Hello again. This time I would like to ask for some advice. Me and my wife built a house in a town some distanse north of DGTE. About 22 years...
Hi again: Davao you say? Seems like a nice city. They got a mayor that really cares. Great, have never been there, will visit there this year for...
Hello to all. I just want to tell my experiences when it comes to public smoking in Dumaguete. I have several times been exposed to heavy...
Bingag I will try to upload Bingag pictures;;
Hi again- when Alona Beach gets to busy and crowded. I hide away at Bingag beach. No tourists at all. Just me--