Hi all, I got some more info on the ICC stickers today. They are inspecting helmets and issueing ICC stickers at the Kiwanas stage in front of...
A taller fence and/or barbed wire. "Good fences make good neighbors".
Ok, just Googled Marriot, they have over 3,700 properties worldwide am I supposed to guess which one is "celebrating" the Titanic disaster a few...
Still room for a few more, the gas tank is wide open and there's room for a few little ones between the women!
Like a bumper sticker I saw once, "Stop Global Whining" Heard on DYGB the other morning the pending helmet CF was postponed till August 1st. FWIW
Ako ug ikaw nag sogod ang eskweyla, hemo daghan kwarta, pag sure...
At least it was in the fuel line... That was so every bit of gasoline could be scavenged from the carburetor and returned to the fuel tank. :cool:
I will try that next time at nevas. I should probably video the waitress while I explain my request. What do you suppose I actually get served? hehehe
Maybe they have been listening to Billy Crystal who once said in character "It's not how you feel, it's how you look". It should be interesting to...
I like Nevas too but I like a thick crust like Shakeys. Just personal preference. The one on the boulevard was terrible tho.
I have not seen a post on acceptable helmets other than ones purchased new in DGT now have stickers that are approved. Is my $350 Bell helmet ok...
The Shakeys on the boulevard was horrible anyway. The one at Robinson's is ok tho.
I recently purchased a Fuji inverter (dc) welder at Uymatiaos. It was P7,000 and the build quality seems to be better than others I have seen for...
Thank you, I'll check them out. I see so many for sale online but you never know if they are good quality or just large paper bags! Scott
OK, thanks. How about the cost and quality? Scott
Did you buy the cover locally? I am looking for a cover for my........ wait for it....Montero. Seriously.
Thai in Dumaguete I have heard some ads on the radio lately (12/2010) for a Thai resto but have not yet been able to catch the address. Anyone...