have a great birthday..keep the quips and comments coming
aarrgg matey. me timbers have been shivered and there is a bottle of rum in a dead mans chest to be swilled. have a great pirate talk day and...
the street venders have arrived on D.I. to sell viagra and other things to long nose people..it has finally happened....cyber begging
I tend to agree that unions are a dinosaur.The unions did get the kids out of the mine and many other worker benefits. However the unions have...
i will be coming to dumaguete at the end of august..if that isnt too late i would be glad to help.
some days i must be a real goody...cause i certainly do feel old...and the music from the old days is the best
another observation...people will wipe the top of the opened bottle with their hands...dont know about theirs but mine are not always sterile
i have had a full beard for many years..that is until i met and married my wife.....but when it was growing the goatee area was dark and the rest...
my wife is from sibulan...."main" gf..rhoody my goodness
ran into a simular situation in the states...checking out during a thunder storm..the power went out during the transaction...the girl couldnt do...
hello kdf ...i am interested in the way to access pandora here in dumaguete..i tried to pm but maybe i didnt do it right ...being a bit computer...
texts from last night and sh*t my dad says..both dot com and both very funny
there is finally a reason why scuba divers fall backwards off the edge of the boat....if they fell forwards they would fall in the boat
hello gypsy i used chantix to quit 3 years ago..it does work....just be very careful of the one side affect...depression....it was the only one...
could you give me more details about this ...i am in the same situation....
does AB pos qualify as a rare type here as much as it does in the states??
it is a very exciting bus ride..as good as any thrill ride
medical studies have revieled that there is approximetly 2000 square inches of skin on the average human body....which is ,coincidently,just...
i have been staying at the villa tara for the last couple of weeks..i plan to stay there until i have to go back to the states...the place is...
my lovely wife and i have been married for 4 months...looking forward to many years of happiness ..this is our first valentines day as a married...