well its a native style cottage with nipa roof but has beds and a charcoal grill, sink with running water, call 09266860636 for directions. Ask...
La Fuiyma, theres a good place thats outdoor right across the street from the bus stop dropoff, there is also a chain of restaurants alongside the...
horizon155 submitted a new Showcase Item: Sony Playstation 3 Package A nice package including the console, controller and 5 games. Great to...
A nice package including the console, controller and 5 games. Great to keep you our your younger ones occupied for hours. Works great, comes...
I searched but could only find exit clearance topics on getting on in Duma. I will be leaving to the U.S. in a awhile can i obtain and ECC/exit...
dustin you know as well as me the chances of them being taken to the police station to be formally charged.....yeah good luck
thank you
I had that same problem few months ago. I couldnt get a phone number to the CEBU office except the one on the website plus the one given to me by...
no im not related. Sorry was just venting. Please Dont take anything said Online personally. I just spent a few nights at siliman while my wife...
shutup about this "confession" comment. As a foreinger you can own assets such as houses/condos/etc.. you need a wife to own land but most of the...
ha this post kind of makes me laugh.. no offensive to birdwatch or anyone. But, ive owned beachfront property for years with none of the above...
Im pretty sure that is a no unless you are actively doing some type of law enforcement here with a company/government or the military. I have not...
I just did a walk in a week ago, just dont put up with their sh*t, say you dont have internet access and its very important. get the persons name...
hmm yes, i can relate to that. I was driving my motorbike middle of day when someone was oncoming in my lane, side swiped me last minute i went...
excellent, saves me a trip to cebu..i was NOT looking forward to the beginning of the year for that reason haha
I searched but could not find anything, can someone tell me if the BI office in Dumaguete now accepts the yearly Annual report filing for ACR-I...
yes still available.. the power adapter is 110-220v compatible so yes it works here no transformer needed. Its from USA NTSC works great and a...
You wouldnt happen to have his name/phone number would you? I'm up in Bais City so its a bit of a trip for a couple of inquiries :smile: I...
Just curious, does anyone know if bulletproof vests are legal in Dumaguete? I have a couple from the U.S. which I do not need and plan on donating...
Any suggestions on the best place to buy a decent pistol or where the LTOPF can be applied for? In Dumaguete?