That's quite the range. I liken this to filipino culture.. e.g "filipino time"
Noticing the same thing lately, but I'm wondering if it's just that we have more visibility and awareness of it now?
You know what's more strange? A person killing someone for taking a mic away from them.
Knives don't kill people, people kill people. All kidding aside, at some point we need to start looking at correcting people and their actions....
Maybe the chicken breast was infused with some sort of sauce that was darker in color? And how does one bad experience at a Korean place make you...
Oh right.. because these things never happen in the States..
These are stereotypes. You are just one person. Not everyone will fit the mold.
Guys please stop arguing over trivial things. Ultimately, your choice to watch or not, however I do agree it was in poor taste to post photos of a...
What if you offered to pay the extra 250p?
This is spot on. Everyone wants what they don't have. But once they get that, then they don't want that either, and it just repeats and repeats...
Never understood the question of is something overrated or not. Ratings are simply someone's opinion. If you have many opinions that all veer...
True, but only if you allow it to go that far. Everyone has a choice in the end. No is a choice.
I don't know yet.. I'm still investigating..
A quick search on google reveals this guy was a "Owner at The Apo Bay Resort and Residence Development Corp." per Linkedin. I can see many...
How do West Virginians celebrate halloween? They Pump Kin! Why are there so many unsolved murders in West Virginia? No dental records!...
While I agree that Mr Rye can be condescending, I don't think his comment there was of that variety. And I also don't think he has a personality...
We are also probably up there in expenses
Isnt there an old saying like a penny saved is a penny earned? What exactly is the difference between being able to live simple and on small...
These numbers seem about right from other stats I've read before. Also have a lot of professional Filipino family who are very open about their...