Agreed, Chinese people in America are a plenty, and they live a good life. However, I was simply trying to make the point that a foreigner...
Yes my comment was very basic, and didn't go deep as you did. But I'm not going to draw out every scenario where one would feel this way or that...
You nailed it Mark. Absolutely, the same thing I been saying. A Chinese person shouldn't come to America to live a Chinese lifestyle.
And from a thread titled stupid is as stupid does.. Oh the irony
Ah never noticed that before. Perhaps I only have a youngster head lol
I see what you did there. Well played my friend.. well played indeed lol.
It was a PG-13 movie. I don't think that would have been appropriate lol
I think those are called Filipinos :)
Huh? Not understanding the response.. Maybe I been hanging out too long with the dumb filipinos and the stupidity is rubbing off on me
Official or not, I would say, from my own experience, that more filipinos speak "filipino" better than English. It really matters not what it is...
Only absolute in life is death
Lol.. Yes all true what you said. My comment though was a joke.
Exactly! Educated. That is the key. IF you go to school, especially a private school, your English will be quite good. Not everyone goes to a good...
Because tagalog is taught in school just like english. My father in law never went past elementary school and he knows about 10 words of English.
How would the locals speak better English than Taglog? That part is not true. Its not really their official langauge. Maybe they want it to be,...
That is not true. Only those who go to school know english. Go into any poor province and you will see most dont speak english and if they do it...
A humble expat.. who knew they existed? lol. One of the first lessons I learned when I got to PI is, to speak SLOW. I even try to speak with a...
You know in America, Americans always say, "You're in America, learn English!" to foreigners when they hear them speaking their native tongue....
Yes I get your point. And yes absolutely, complain all u want but just understand you aren't going to change things by complaining. If you just...
Most of the expat complaints here are along the lines of, expectations of western business practices even though you aren't in the west. Nobody...