Maybe, he found out that his girlfriend was in fact, his boyfriend.
That's what I call a man cave. Guy finds his house plumbed with beer - full length version - YouTube
I'd do exactly the same. [MEDIA]
Think I've found exactly what you're looking for. [ATTACH]
He fired at the driver, but only fired warning shots ?.
Looks as though the MILF is trying to put pressure on the government to sign a peace agreement, even when there are break away groups still...
Thought you were talking about a night out on your own, along the boulevard. :banana:
Not wishing to appear negative, but if you can't get the basics right, roads, traffic, sewage, water and electricity, how can you encourage...
When we and my wife go to someones house as a guest or for a party, we always take some wine and a dessert, even though we know that it is not...
The reason that a lot of cases are wrapped in cling film, is to stop pilfering by airport staff and baggage handlers. If you have a case with a...
The Liverpool manager flies to Kabul to watch a young Afghani play football. He is suitably impressed and arranges for the player to come over....
I get a company pension and have to get a form notarized every couple of years, proving that I'm still alive. Compared to the hoops I have to jump...
A simple explanation of our circulatory system and the causes of hypertension. How blood pressure works - Wilfred Manzano - YouTube
Try True Love, Jamaicans love rabbit. [ATTACH]
If this is was on a hidden forum, couldn't we have a list of reliable tradesmen that also included telephone numbers, or do we only contact each...
I believe that you are not allowed to just cut down trees, you will need a barangay clearance and municipal clearance for certain species. Best to...
Got this on an email from a friend : Whoever missed the movie, as I did, as well as those who saw it and want to see it again, will have a chance...
Why tell the world what you can do, should have used it over N.Korean nuclear reactors. Boeing: CHAMP - Lights Out
There are thousands of empty federal buildings across the USA, surely these could be utilised for this museum. At the moments they cost the US...
Hardly surprising news to most of us. LIST: Philippines ranks 21st of 22 Asian countries in Internet download speed | SciTech | GMA News Online