I thought this would interest all the US military on this forum. Inside The Army's Spectacular Hidden Treasure Room Perhaps they should forego...
Have only been to the cinema once here, to see Les Miserables. Spent the whole time moving seats as people were talking, texting and eating. Have...
Love the Chinese...
An Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman were without tickets for the opening ceremonies of the Olympics but hoped to be able to talk their way...
I think the problem is that filipinos in general have grown up with excessive noise levels and have become immune to it. Whenever I go to a party,...
Much like Charlie Sheen and his HIV cure. Some people will believe anything no matter how outlandish. America the home of the conspiracy theory....
I use MIMS to get generic names and avoid paying a fortune.
Had problems with my aircon everybody told me that I needed a new aircon P19,000. Had my friend Marcel who is an electrics wizard check it out....
If it's such a great idea why don't you open a hospitality school here. You wouldn't be able to feed your dog on what you would earn. I personally...
Something went wrong will repost
Everything now working OK, or as well as can be expected at my age.
The singer in this group is gay. Perhaps, there is the answer.
You can make your payments online. Accredited Collecting Agents: Collecting Partners | PhilHealth We make our payments at LBC, no crowds and very...
He sounds like a complete and utter pillock.
Unable to access to this forum, despite opting in. Am I doing something wrong. [ATTACH]
Dis sezit ool [MEDIA]
Best to speak to them directly PhilHealth Central Visayas at Robinsons Place, Dumaguete. Open ten hours a day, seven days a week—Monday to...
A few years back an American tourist was in Pamplona and saw the kids chewing sugar cane. She asked for some and chewed it, but then tried to...
I think the only answer is a new capital city midway between Dumaguete and Bacolod and get a foreign city planner to start from scratch.