Charlie, I wonder if you tried to have it registered in other cities? And could you pls be more specific what kind of list is that and where can...
Sherlock and Moriarty are still avalable for adoption
"Cultural opportunities not typically found elsewhere in the Philippines"??? Theatre and ballet? Crap, I stay!
More than 150 views of the thread and still nobody interested in having a pet?
And no notice. No sign. Not a tiny piece of paper hang on the door saying "Visas out of stock, sir, due to national holiday". Only a girl in a...
Dear Dave, The person ready to kill for dill was me and I already purchased some seeds from you on the meet up, thank you! In case you still...
They grow fast, you're missing the most interesting!
Roger, thank you for your comment and you're absolutely right, as allways. Their grandma looks exactly like Bengal obviousely mixed with some...
Steve, hi and welcome! Dumaguete is a nice city although every new place you visit is so easy to get lost, no surprise. I'd recommend you...
Hi everyone. DI was very helpful for 1 lady cat who needed adoption and now lives happily with one of the forum's members. As our cat delivered...
Mr. Peterson, so sorry to hear that! Pls get well ASAP. Hope to see you next time!
Thanks to anyone who came. And a big great thank you to Dave &Co who made that possible and shared their experience and scientific approach to the...
Mr.Broadside, are you also coming? Thanks for advice. Hope to be as smart as Pinya =)
Dave, i'll be there about 10 if you don;t mind. Will try to bring some snacks and soft rdinks and my hubby also))))) Is Mr. Peterson coming? See...
Wow, very interesting, really! Thanks and welcome!
Dave, thanks in advance!
Nice_Sherwood, thanks in advance. Dave, has anyone reserved zuccini yet? If not - pls let them be mine)))) Mary
Nice_Sherwood, pls bring some strawberries and beetroot seeds, very interested! Chears Mary
Dave, I'd appreciate that A LOT. I'm a biggest fan of cauliflower but here it's slightly expensive so thanks! Hope we'll succeed together growing...
Dave, thank you. I assume I'll take some fertilizer then but not much though, I only have 3 good flowers and 1 lovely bush now. Speaking about...