Man, looks great!
Manual Therapy wanted, ps advicend a good specialist in manual therapy or an experienced massaje specialist who provides home service? Can't move...
I found out that name "Tata" is good for men and women both. Also know a girl who husbands name is Speedy.
Faced this problem too buying Winston Lights. Also bought Esse Silver for my wife yesturday in Robinsons, marked "duty free" and made in Korea....
This is annoying. But I get more surprised when shop assistants in Lee "Super" Plaza start SINGING LOUD standing near by the customer:confused:
We use Globe Tatoo. The connection is not very good. Not fast enough to watch movies online and have smg downloaded. But just to surf the net it's...
I hope to find a reliable chinese seller.
Thnx 4 advice. I prefer coffee actually)) That's 4 my wife, she loves green tea with jasmine leaves and black Earl Grey.
The programme I'm talking about is mostly about communication and sharing experience than studying.
I totally agree, well said.
Keeping it clean is a good idea, garbage everywhere drives me crazy and would disattract a tourist for sure. Improving the level of service in...
I feel like i'd better make an order via some of the internet shops. Hope the delivery service won't let us down. If sussceed i'll let you know.
Bless you! You did a good job!
Thats too bad, but thanks 4 sharing. Now I see that we still have smg new to face here and I must prepare my dear wife 4 the violent side of this...
Larry, Are you trying to say the poor kitten could have been EATEN too???
Thanx, that's hiw I thought. :-(
I was lucky to find "organic tomatos" few times in Lee Plaza. They were much better then the ordinary ones, though the skin was a bit strong, the...
I have no idea why cats and dogs here are so much afraid of people. We started to feed a cat with a kitten when we came. Homeless. They just came...
What about hygiene there, guys? Do they put any chloride into the water or something to make it safe 4 public use?
@alex, Thanks u, we do enjoy it by now)