i mean are people
The best thing to do if you don't want problems in the future is to put in the deed of sale the things that you and the owner agreed to each other...
hello guys, A filipino citizen has no limits on how much land he or she can purchase. They are only after that you pay the taxes.
got this in the net First Aid Potential Emergency Situations and Conditions Snake Bites The danger of snake bites: Each year,...
one thing I forgot to mention is that some land settlements can be affected by the Philippines agrarian reform laws.
Hello sir Jack, Actually when I was still living in cebu I was already doing this job. I mean transfering of titles and many other...
ask me if you have a question. I am not an expert but I know some. claire
Hello guys, This was my case when I bought my first property in bantayan. If you want to know that the person who claim to be the...
hello guys, Try asking in the veterinary of dumaguete. I am speaking about the public veterinary office. I think it is going to the...
Hello sir Jack, I wish I am really a builder I think it is a very interesting job. And who doesn't want to have a good house after...
hello sir garbonzo, Do you mean that all the heat goes all in the second floor ? Yes I think that is right sir. But if you have...
sorry I mean to say misuse not " miss use " :rolleyes:
sorry gene I mean to say psychology :(
i mean to say a nice day to you sir steve.
hello sir steve, Very sorry for this very late respond. I want to say thank you for the very good informations you gave to me in...
hello gene, Yes my son is very young and for sure his age needs really my attention. But I think we are giving him too much in the...
hello sir Rhoody, Yes I am done with the first half of my papers but the philippine passport will be done in a month. Though what I...
sorry guys I am still abit about of my head. I hope you all understand what I am saying. Even with some wrong spelling and some missing words. ok...
Hello all, ok I didn't post much some couple of days because I was very busy perparing my papers to go to the philippine embassy in...
hi old codger, I wonder what is your nationality sir ? Because we were never ask to make an appoinment to go to the italian embassy since my...