Off topic for real. As of this week I am one super proud Father. My Daughter was promoted to "Inspector Police Sergeant" and is also currently studying coarse's at Cambridge University in U.K. Her passion is to be a Judge, or Magistrate. This is my very proud ( Father) moment as attached. Cheers!
Best Posts in Thread: Yada Yada / The Off Topic Arena
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Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army
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Best Answer
Lots of people here (including myself) have been moderated, you aren't special, you aren't being singled out, and it certainly isn't about race. The vast majority of people just accept it for what it is but there is a certain personally type that is completely incapable of it. I'm not certain what this type thinks they will win with this belligerent, defiant and entitled behavior but I doubt the prize they end up winning is the one they were hoping for.
Please just move on and let this go. We both have better things to do, let's go do those things.-
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
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i am not a fan of american healthcare. i started there in a small country hospital as a radiology technician and over the next fifty years worked in that capacity, some lab technician duties, a first responder, an orderly, a hospital administrator in both large and small hospitals, a long term care administrator and finally as a registered nurse.
with the exception of government functions, nothing is as convoluted or confusing as healthcare (IMHO). it is easy for me to presume you are a victim of that.
this is only the second time i have seen the worl "liar" in print here. ("idiot" a little more frequently) i personally discourage raw emotion here. hopefully we can see a bond in our common status as guests here. i have been helped a lot by advice here and try to offer help when i can.
i have to guard against letting my blood get up sometimes here, but i always try to relax, take a deep breath, and accept the fact that none of us are going to change anything as one of the posters recently reminded me by posting a picture of the world before and after i voiced my opinion. (no change could be see in those before and after pics)
so, please take a deep breath, allow me to apologize if i left the wrong impression with you, and lets start over!-
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Ozzyguy DI Forum Adept
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Bang....he gets a hit from a girl his age, 18 years old and never talked with any other girls. A few months later went to Manila to meet her. Remember this due hasn't had a GF before. He also had never traveled overseas. Can you imagine how he felt?
11 years later they are married and still together, totally into each other and have 2 kids and a house in Perth.
Sure most of the time we have this big age gap but not always.-
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Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster
I am sorry if it might offend some of you that I do not follow Politics, at any level, be it the People, the Parties, or whatever! For me; every time I log onto a Facebook Page/ Forum there are out and out idiots arguing over a (insert name) Party of some type, slinging shyte, people calling others names, SO MUCH HATRED simply because of some idiot following another idiot! I find it very sad that people are so consumed... (Sorry; to me all Politicians are idiots in one way or another) One eyed people or one-sided hatred; I have no time for!
I posted the Video BECAUSE; I could not believe that Adults would listen to questions from someone holding a microphone asking them about extinct Dinosaurs and NOT think, just for a second, and ask; "Pardon me? Are you talking about a Dinosaur?"(I am SURE ANY kid who was asked those questions would have been like; "HUH"
Come on, who has NOT watched Jurassic Park or had an interest in Dinosaurs growing up as a kid knowing anything that ends with 'saurus' is not necessarily always a Thesaurus?
It was the stupidity and the way they pondered before giving their replies that cracked me up, it could have been Steve Job's Son for all I care! (PLEASE! Apple Fans; do not attack me, pleeeassse!lol)
Okay, now let's pull up our Big Gurl Stand-up Comedian's Panties and move on...-
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Please take a step back from this conversation for a week while you consider one of the options described below to prevent me from losing another 20+ minutes of my life forever.
1. Send a PM and sort out whatever the problem is. Example:
2. Start Ignoring each other and never see the other's posts.
3. User the Report button instead of engaging one another.
I'm sure most of the forum users/readers would greatly appreciate it as well!
Thanks in advance,
P.S. If you absolutely must carry on with this relentless bitching back and forth could you at least try to make it just a tad f*cking interesting? I had to take a break half way through that pile of sh*t above to watch some paint dry just to living things up a bit.Attached Files:
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I do not see all of the effort you put into this (private messages, etc.) so my recommendations are not that accurate. They are based on the amount of effort I would be willing put into working with people which is much less than the amount of effort you put into this.
Thank you for your efforts.-
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Marmar DI Junior Member
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Marmar DI Junior Member
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