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Sold Best Posts in Thread: Pups for sale

  1. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    The pup we got back from the neighbors is doing well, she's playing with her brothers and sisters; but tormenting our little pups a bit. We called her Miss Violet, she was renamed Beauty but with a new violet collar we picked up today she is back to being Miss Violet.

    She is a bit hyper still, surprised that came out in the short time she was away from us as she was the most laid back of our pups. I don't think she was getting the attention and interaction that she needed. I am really happy that Cherry went and took her back.

    Most important is that the pups go to homes that can take care of them. It has never been about pricing for these guys, if you can give one a good home then give me a yell...be advised that I will ask a lot of questions to make sure they are going to the right environment; we love the pups and only want to ensure they will be loved in their new homes.

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  2. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    I have to agree with you...no clue why our niece picked Jack as a name but he was able to get under the gate and go to his former home twice today, we leave the front door open so all the dogs can come in and out as they please. It is funny as our runt (sister of the pup we got last night) has absolutely no interest in going out unless we are outside the gate.

    Our niece did not have classes this morning and had a classmate over to work on a school project (needed to use my laptop), anyway her school friend got a pup from our neighbor as well (a girl) and left her at our house; which we did not know. Jack ran off and the wife assumed the girl pup was our new pup and was tripping about the ticks as we spent more than an hour last night pulling ticks. I made the same mistake as I tried to pet what I thought was Jack and she was so shy and running away from me. I was surprised as I held him for hours last night and he was sweet...the wife looked a bit closer and said this is a girl; our pup was back to his former home. Those 2 look almost identical so after school our nieces classmate needs to take her pup home so I don't have to keep flipping the dog on their back to figure out if it is our boy or her girl.

    Just heard a pup crying and it was Jack stuck under the gate trying to get out...he is twice the size of our runt Ruby but keeps trying. Hope he gets over it pretty quick...he is a sweet dog (I guess that is why Cherry picked him) but I understand the transition is probably rough when we have all these dogs that are bigger than anything he has seen, our pups are bigger than his mom.

    The pup they got from us is adjusting well, they were actually shocked at how well behaved she is. Cherry has visited her 3 times today (and taking her snacks), compared to once for me...tough to let them go, but she is close by. We always called her Miss Violet because of her collar color but her new name is Beauty, works as she is a gorgeous girl.

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  3. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    One of Cherry's friends posted some pics of our pups on his Facebook page and the wife had 2 folks from Manila text her yesterday. One lady was adamant that she wanted one as they are cheaper than pups advertised in Manila (she is right, I checked listings for Manila and Cebu) and wanted us to figure out how to ship one to her. I assume there is a way to do it, hell I've seen fighting cocks coming off of planes here as baggage but told the wife to tell her she could come get it herself...very weird expectation.

    When Cherry came up with the price for the pups we took into account what the Dalmatian cost, what the Belgian Malinois cost (they are pretty expensive dogs), shots, medicines, toys, rawhide bones and quality puppy food. At 3,000 peso you don't come close to breaking even; but it is not about costs, we want these guys to go to good homes so I am more than willing to be flexible on the price of the pups if you can give them a good home.

    Heading to Dumaguete tomorrow to pick up some more dog food.

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  4. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    I should take some pics of what these guys get into...

    I did not put in the screens on the front door security door, the pups can come and go to take care of their business. They have a different cycle for the bowels and pee. As they get older they will be able to control better.

    They can get in and out (a struggle as they get bigger) but had one yesterday get stuck in the kitchen window. They figured out how to open the screen and tried to work her way in through bars that are a bit more narrow. Her hips were stuck so we had to ease her out. Also had one get her head stuck under the gate yesterday...

    No pics as we were in getting them out of harm, goofy guys.

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  5. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Have to agree, "Midnight" went to the vets yesterday for a Parva shot and did not like the leash at first but she is getting used as we walk her round the Garden, we found that seeing the 2 older dogs on leashes helped.

    BTW, do they all like TV late at Night LOL:rolleyes: Midnight i cant sleep.jpg

    Midnight just viewing. Forum one.jpg
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  6. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    A few more pics of the pups. They are starting to thin a bit as they are all play now. It is funny to me how they ignore most of the toys and are excited about an empty C2 bottle. We went to Prince to stock up and they were so excited about the cardboard boxes.

    Cute little guys that keep us busy. I went to take some clothes off the line and set my beer on the coffee table and in just a few minutes they had knocked it over and were lapping it up...at least they like beer.


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  7. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    They were in a minivan, and not sure the exact way they went; good folks.

    I think anyone could get the idea from reading any of my posts that both me and the wife truly care about our dogs and the pups we found homes for. Our dogs are raised to be part of the family, even our 2 small local dogs are treated the same as our big dogs, the wife probably spoils the runt too much.

    It looks like our pups have all gone to good homes but I am not looking forward to going through this again if our Belgian is pregnant (and it looks like she is), so you may see another "pups for sale" in a few months. I have enjoyed the feedback on this thread as well as the off line talks, seems to be a number of us here that love our dogs and only want the best for them.

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  8. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    Have someone coming by either today or Sunday to pick up a girl; there is also an attorney in town with one and he called my wife this morning that he may want the last one for his daughter in Cebu. He likes the size, temperament as well as they do have a big bark. It definitely took longer to find them all homes, but the homes they went should take care of them well.

    Now I have my fingers crossed that our Belgian is not pregnant from one coupling...

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  9. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    We've been keeping the Belgian in the house and our Dalmatian outside...our son left the front security unlocked the other day and she pushed her way out. It was less than 2 minutes as we were putting things together for a BBQ, before he went back to get something else from the house. Long story short, they were already locked up. Both me and Cherry were pissed off and have our fingers crossed that the dogs being locked up only once is not enough to get her pregnant, but she may be. We really did not want any more pups, especially back to back.

    We still have 5 pups, though 3 may be on their way to new homes shortly. I made up some flyers and the wife put a bunch in some trikes here in Tanjay, so that has gotten some interest.

    We are really looking at getting the pups to a good home that can take care of them, not concerned about compensation. As I've said, they have all shots to include rabies so a big dog that wants to be part of the family and be taken care of.

    If anyone is interested let me know.

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  10. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    Here are some pics of the pups, they are definitely getting big. We still have some loving pups that are looking for a new home, so if you are able to take on a larger dog that will love you and your family let me know.


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