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Best Posts in Thread: Restaurant that doesn't use MSG

  1. alex

    alex DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    I am not a expert on most things and what Dustan says may be very true , i had a bad experience with MSG in Darwin 20 years were a 65 year old friend eat chinese lunch one hour later she complained of rapid heart beat and short of breath, she did indeen have a heart attack n died with in 12 hours. Doctors said it was no doubt was caused by the large intake of MSG, the left over food was tested and confirmed as the source. if it is not harmful why is it banned in many countrys ? Most restaurants in aust have large signs stating NO MSG USED HERE . i read that it is associated with hyperactive behavior and obesity, triples the amount of insulin in the pancreas, can cause caradic arrhythmias and death .Short term effects for people who have eaten large doses are numbness, burning sensation in the chest, chest pain , rapid heart beat. I have always put MSG down as why so many young pinoy men suffer strokes. Go on rip me apart unlike like murphys i can take it lol CHEERS
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  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    MSG is monosodium glutamate (it is found in those Magic Sarap packages in the Philippines). MSG has little to no taste on it's own but added to food it enhances the flavors already present (kinda like fat). Once ingested the body breaks it down into sodium and glutamate aka glutamic acid (an amino acid that is a precursor to making protein). So basically it's salt and a very common amino acid that is also found in tomatoes, some nuts, cheeses, mushrooms and soy sauce. If you have ever put salt on tomatoes you are basically eating the same thing as MSG.

    MSG was first discovered in Japan over 100 years ago and there has not been one recorded death or even a serious allergic reaction to the stuff since it was first introduced into the human diets. As with everything, there is a toxic dosage.....one would have to try really really hard to hit that toxicity level though.

    People think it is bad because some guy back in the 60s, a scientist named Robert Ho Man Kwok, took note that he got head aches after eating in Chinese restos and on his short list of possible ingredients was MSG. Then a study was done where a scientist injected MSG under the skin of a rodent and the rat got brain lesions.....though most people didn't care to take note that the amount given to the rat was a dosage designed for a horse.....nor did they realize that having MSG injected under your skin is much different than eating the stuff. (Much the same as eating salt and rubbing it on an open wound produce very different results.)

    Many studies have been done since that have shown that MSG does nothing to the human body. Though there are certain medical conditions, one being mentioned here by the OP, that they believe it could react with MSG (these conditions likely call for a low sodium/protein diet though).

    Many people will say I'm downright wrong here and that it does things to their body....science just isn't on their side though. Same with the people who think wifi signals give them headaches. Most don't know just how common the "wifi" frequency is. I'm not saying they don't actually get sick from MSG or wifi signals, some people really do.....it's just not the MSG or the wifi signals doing it. It's their own brain screwing with their bodies. "Nocebo" is what it is called if I remember correctly.

    As for the OP. Your best bet is just to make sure you inform the resto that you don't want it in your food and then hope for the best.
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  3. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I imagine you can go to a restaurant owned by a foreigner, such as Casablanca or Mike's Dauin Beach Resort and tell them you absolutely can not have MSG in your order. Many others speak good English, like Moon Cafe, and I bet will help you out.
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  4. denpet

    denpet DI Senior Member Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    No, was just to inform that it is MSG. You find no filipino kitchen without it, but some don't know it's pure MSG.
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