Some of the most valuable lessons are in that first job stocking shelves or doing similar mindless work. Lessons such as getting out the door in time for being at work when you are suppose to start. Getting to work even when you don't feel like it. Having to focus on a task for more than 5 minutes so that you can get something done. Having to deep focus on a task which might take a little brains. Having to sell (your services to your employer, your employer's services to customers.)
The world of work is so different from that world where people don't need to do much to get by, even if they have to go hungry occasionally. They can live off support from their family. Maybe pick up the odd job at their convenience for a little bit of money. Maybe the family hits the OFW or foreigner support lotto. If they don't feel like doing something, it's so easy to stay home and do nothing.
Maybe the actual farms are different. Maybe these people know how to hustle, but probably not in an urban jungle.
A job which pays nothing would be good for a lot of people who would otherwise have nothing else to do. Get the basics down if you have never worked (in the U.S. this would typically be a minimum wage summer job) and then look for something else when you hit your learning plateau. If nothing else, for better or for worse, a job might shift your tempo in life (AKA - entering the rat race.)
Unfortunately, the job world is complex to navigate and some people just don't have it. That's why the U.S. is so competitive, we know how to hustle. We know how to create something out of nothing. When I couldn't find a job doing something I loved in my local area, I created my own job by striking out on my own.
As a region, Asia seems to have difficulty in it's people learning to navigate between black, white and gray. They seem to get stuck on the solids and don't realize that really, everything is gray. For every rule, there is a work-around. A rule which provides information in writing hides much more information in what it doesn't say. They get intimidated, but don't realize that nobody really knows what they are doing (just be a good actor, show confidence, bust @ss and get lucky.) They're afraid of failure and rejection, but don't realize that every great achievement of our time on this planet was met with 90++% failure rate.
I don't know how to teach this stuff. For starters, I'm an alien, and a crazy looking one at that. It seems the kids here only listen to people who have badges of authority handed down from above. You want to make a potential employee feel safe and successful? Hand out ID cards attached to lanyards. Every step of life here from elementary school to college and job comes with a different badge. If you don't have one, then you must have gone off-track somewhere.
People just need to realize that everyone's sh*t stinks. We all do our thinking with a mass of meat so disgusting looking that we would probably pass out if the were to see it on the kitchen counter next to the keys. It's amazing anything works in this world, and in the Philippines, it just BARELY works. Nobody here is special. People who look special are just more effective bullshit artists.
Keep in mind, the global economy basically tracks back to the U.S. creating money out of thin air and hoping everyone just sort of goes along with the illusion. It sort of works. We have made a lot of "progress" in the past 50 years. But it starts with bullshit and ends with bullshit.
Tell the fam to quit taking no for an answer (and don't take yes for an answer either) and just start making stuff happen. Put in the work, but bring plenty of bullshit as well, it's what makes the world go round.
Best Posts in Thread: Slave labor
Don't get involved with local politics, local politicians / businessmen or their way of life. They are not interested in our point of view, you will only make enemies of the locals and you will not change a thing.
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This isn't slave labor. They were free to choose and free to leave. It's still work experience. If the value of the work is such that people are willing to work there for no pay, then perhaps you should seek a new line of work. If you need money, then don't work for free.
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Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force
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Well Mr Briggs Firstly can I say this not just a Dumaguete Problem the OJT things is National and has been going on for many many years. If the Proper National Authorities ignore it as they do, I think any local level will Also!
I know that feelings run high on this and you in particular in that you bring it up every now and then. I get a gut feeling that you or any Expat that ventures on the thing you suggest will earn that "persona non grata' badge. for Incitement. For me I would be very careful how people tread on this as it is on an Open Forum and we know things get looked at. At First I was not sure if the Thread should run but then you are not normally a spam man so I will leave it to run until the owner has seen it, We as Foreigners have to be sure, we know, what ramifications and consequences can be the outcome of asking the Mayor or any Senior official to attempt this at this time.
Lets face it most of the Major Businesses in this and other areas use this system ( who know's even he [the mayor] might) whether it is right or wrong, it is a system that is there.
'Lets's all be careful out there.'
Agree x 4
List all jobs that we can think of, choose industries which are generally the lowest margin and as such, the lowest paying (Hotels and Restaurants sounds good here.)
Of course, this is a valid strategy for selection because the Philippines exports cheap labor.
Also great is that HRM doesn't even require good instructors. We don't have to find someone skilled in teaching Math or Physics. Anyone can teach a HRM course.
We can then market these courses like crazy and fill them with thousands of college students. We make lots of money without ever really training anyone. We just provide the paper which makes the whole thing appear legit.
After they graduate, middlemen can hit both sides for placement fees and internship programs.
Then the graduates can work crazy hours as a low pay cog, making someone else rich.-
Genius x 1
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I agree with TheDude. There are jobs out there that pay from the day you start. If the family member agrees to work for free then that is on them. They seem to all be experienced in getting no-pay would think they would know what to look out for by now. Are you sure they just don't want to work for a living and be supported by you instead? I find it odd that so many in your adopted family are having such a hard time finding work that pays something.
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