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Best Posts in Thread: Having Trouble with your Brgy Hall?

  1. knobhead

    knobhead The Knobster Infamous

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    Sharing some things I have learned about the local system of government. I have been experiencing a Biased attitude with my local Brgy Capitan and most of the Brgy Hall employees. So I decided to learn about how this all works. Most of this I got from experience and then verified with the head of local DILG
    1. The Brgy Capitan is the first in line of people you have to go to for any local disputes. 15 days to schedule
    2. Brgy Capitan schedules first a conference with both parties in the dispute with the intent of settling the dispute out of court. The Capitan, and all other employees are not allowed to take sides. If the Capitan is in any way Biased due to relationships or any other reasons he must recuse himself and have one of the Lupon's sit in his place. 15 days to schedule
    3. If there is no settlement the Capitan will schedule a Lupon court hearing with 3 or more of the Lupon's in attendance. Again to try to settle the dispute. 15 days to schedule
    You have the right to a private hearing , meaning no others present except the people stated on the summons. This allows for you to be heard and to maintain a proper decorum. Pinoys like to stack the Brgy Hall with supporters and cause disturbances when you are trying to speak. This is not allowed by law.
    4. Your option is to keep records of the meetings even recording them if you think you need to. Then if you are not being properly treated by the Brgy Hall employees you can have all the information you need to file in writing a letter of complaint to the D.I.L.G. located in the City Hall bldg. Make specific statements stating dates, events, names and your complaints pertaining to each. Try to get a one on one with the DILG.
    Example would be Violation of the Anti Red Tape law, not maintaining proper decorum during meetings. Making false statements pertaining to your civil rights. acting in a overtly Biased way.
    Submit this with 2 copies to the DILG. One copy will be stamped received and given back to you. the DILG will review your complaint if warranted will endorse it to the Ombudsman in Cebu. The Ombudsman will review it and if they deem it warranted it will be sent back to the DILG for investigation and possible removal from office of all offenders. I hope this can help another expat with the learning curve of their new country.
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  2. DaveD

    DaveD DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Fingers crossed. They will get whats coming to them sooner or later... they always do.
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    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2015
  3. knobhead

    knobhead The Knobster Infamous

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    Hopefully in both ends:happy: I have a new Atty. who is the Dean of the Legal college here and NOT a fan of this particular Foreigner and his adulteress Girlfriend. He represents several people who have current legal cases against them. These two people and her adult children have many legal problems yet they keep on digging their graves deeper. Logic would dictate that when you find yourself in a hole to stop digging, but not this bunch of idiots.
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  4. DaveD

    DaveD DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Sorry you have to put up with this much nonsense. Hopefully you will get the satisfaction you deserve in the legal system. Just remember what goes around comes around...Karma will get them both in the end!
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    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2015
  5. DaveD

    DaveD DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Agreed don't be a doormat but pick your arguments wisely. :thumbsup:
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  6. KTM

    KTM DI Senior Member

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    In my experience here, the easy way to fight fire, is as mentioned above, avoid it at most costs. However, having been put in a situation a 'few years ago', the only way I found was to fight it was with 'a larger fire'. I'm not advocating direct confrontation, which one normally, as a foreigner, one would lose. The police, the populace, one is immediately surrounded by, or the general/local media and public don't take kindly to 'aliens' with loud, aggressive mouths, actions or attitudes. Having said that of course, 'don't act like their bi-atch', either.
    Fortunately, there are 'more than one or two ways of skinning a cat', even in this country.
    Just takes a few less beers at the bar and a bit more logical thinking.
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  7. DaveD

    DaveD DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Good for you! Just watch your 6. In my experience people like that seem to like to do underhanded shenanigans behind peoples back in a vain attempt to get retribution...or payback.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2015