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Best Posts in Thread: Restaurant warning let's see if this is a good forum

  1. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Some of these problems you'll get anywhere. I have heard lots of bad about Foodnet though.

    I know people here who only eat from their own cooking or from highly trusted places. If they leave the city, they go on a fast.

    Check out True Love. It's a one of a kind place. I have never seen anything like it. Talk to the owner, get to know him. There are large windows into the kitchen. You could watch him prepare his meals and the kitchen is spotless.

    Change your diet to remove all bullshit. You shouldn't be eating at Foodnet in the first place. They could drop the food on the ground and it wouldn't look any less appetizing than I already find it. Eat at home and at places in which the food is prepared by a true craftsman and professional, like the owner of True Love.
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  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Since these first couple comments have nothing to do with the thread's main topic I'll throw it in a spoiler box.
    When you joined the forum (under your current username, not sure if you have an older one) it was owned by the same person. I don't recall any of your previous posts being edited or moderated either. Not sure where those comments are coming from or why one might think a review would not be welcome on the forum. :wink:
    FYI: there are very few moderator actions taken on this forum other than post approvals and there is no rule against leaving a review or an opinion of a business/service received, good or bad. It is only asked that if you leave a negative review that you try to be constructive with it. The only thing in your post that poses a problem is the personal attack against the owner of the business.....which will be removed after I have finished typing this response out. I don't know the business owner or have any affiliation with Foodnet, just making sure the forum rules are followed.
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    Also, in case it isn't clear by now; forum administrators (there are two of them, but only one regularly participates) can see the user behind the anonymous post. If you haven't already read the post about using the anonymous post feature it is located here: How to: - Post as Anonymous User | Dumaguete Info
    Rules on the feature are also covered in the forum rules:
    I'm not sure if the anonymous feature is needed to leave negative reviews for businesses/services but I suppose if the review is not just a bashing of a business and serves in the best interest of other visitors then it can stand. Personally, if I had a bad experience with a business and left a bad review I'd want them to know who I am so they could approach me about my review or to simply provide better service to me in my next visit. Just my 2 cents.

    Back on topic:

    You are a very brave person to regularly eat at a calenderia. I only eat at those places when traveling by motorcycle and have no other option.....and I'm VERY hungry. Food preparation/hygiene in the Philippines is a pretty scary thing to witness: food will be left out for hours (covered or not it doesn't matter, once food starts to cool down bacteria will start to reproduce regardless), under-cooking meat is common and I really question if the staff has been trained on proper hygiene practices. Also, since most foreigners didn't grow up eating at these preparation standards we haven't develop immunity to the common bacteria/viruses that cause food poisoning/stomach flu. It doesn't matter if it is food net, street stands or some mom and pop place out in the province.....eat enough times at calenderias and you WILL end up getting food poison/sick.

    As for dropping the sausage on the floor and putting it back on the plate: did they follow the 5 second rule? :wink: Joking aside, that is pretty nasty and I certainly would have sent the plate back and had a word with the manager.
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    Last edited: Dec 9, 2015
  3. RR_biker

    RR_biker DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    I agree with you about avoiding places, what ever kind of places it may be. But on the other when a forum member has one or more bad experiences resulting he got sick pretty well, why not give a simple warning so that other people can decide for themselves to visit that or these place to consume food.
    As for myself, I stay away as far as possible, so a warning like this I don't need, but who knows....many others will be grateful.
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  4. DaveD

    DaveD DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    If you ever find yourself on the south side of the city and want a bit to eat I highly recommend you try it. For P180 you get soup, cornbread, Jerk Chicken, Jamaican Rice and beans and also a cabbage salad that kind of reminds me of a cross between Atchara and coleslaw. They also offer Beer and sodas for additional cost but offer free lemon water to all who want it.
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  5. DaveD

    DaveD DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    True Love is located on South Road about 2/3 of kilometer past robinson's Place on the left hand side as you drive towards Bacong. Opens in mornings around 8am close about 9pm. I love the soup and cornbread you get with all meals I think and the Jerk Chicken is delicious IMO. The owner is very friendly and helpful also.
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  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest Guest User

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    I do not contribute often to internet forums because they are heavily censored.

    But since the owner here is relatively new, and because this is kinda a public service warning, I will give it a shot.

    I used to eat at foodnet downtown alot. The food looked good and prices not too bad, although calenderias are often cheaper.

    After several months I saw that the owner ******************. Then I got food poisoning. I was sick about 10 days with diarrhea. About a month later, I meet a filipina friend who told me her cousin had just checked out of Holy child after getting sick at foodnet. This applies to foodnet downtown location.

    So I stopped eating there except for breakfast which was prepared while I waited. Then about two weeks ago I was watching the fry cook there prepare eggs and sausage. I witnessed him dropping a sausage on the floor, picking it up and putting it directly on the plate again.

    Then about a week ago, I left an expensive item on one of their tables. I did not notice it till after I left as I thought I had put it back in my pack. Turns out it was stolen, either by an employee or someone in the restaurant. I guess this must happen not infrequently cause they have a sign up to watch your things at all times.

    So the upshot is, be careful at foodnet downtown. They do not have covers on their food and if you eat much past their preparation time, you food will be served stone cold together with any multiplying bacteria.

    I may continue breakfast there, but I sure as hell will keep my eyes open whenever I am at this place. If I find as cheap an alternative, I will drop them alltogether.

    **Edited by moderator to remove personal attack on business owner.**
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    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2015