Flip Flops on the 27th at 1pm.
Feedback Best Posts in Thread: DI Christmas Meet
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Thinking about doing a forum get-together on Christmas Eve or the days following Christmas at Flip Flops. I'll run down to Flip Flops today to try to catch the owner to see what day would be best for him to host such a thing. I'll post an update once I have more information.
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Thanks to everyone that showed up (some might still be there
) today! Sorry if I seemed a bit anti-social, still dazed and confused from all the anti-histamine/cold medicine.
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Flip Flops will be closed on the 24th so I'm thinking the 23rd around lunch would be the best time for this to happen. Any objections/recommendations?
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Just ask for the road leading to St. Louis Village. Flip Flops is on Jose Romero Road and is next to the road leading to St.Louis Village. All pedicab drivers will know this.
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I will be there. Looking forward to put a face to the names on here. Merry Christmas, (Happy Holidays if you prefer) and a Happy New Year to all!
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I'm not thrilled that I was the only person who tried talking the guy out of driving (or at least were willing to get out of their seat and go talk to him). I believe bars hold at least a little responsibility for their customers.....people should be cut off WAY before they get to the state of mind that guy was in.-
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