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Best Posts in Thread: expats in bike accident

  1. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    In your hypothetical situation the alcoholic made a sober decision to drive to a bar. Yes, the bar owner shares some responsibility for allowing him to get as drunk as he did and for putting him on his vehicle but the alcoholic knew d*mn well why he was going to that bar and he should be held responsible for his actions. The "disease" (and I really have a hard time agreeing that addiction a disease) does not give the person a pass on responsibility.

    An alcoholic is not the same as a 5y/o child. It is in no way comparable. Addiction does not turn people into brainless zombies that are only interested in drinking beer, snorting powder or lighting up the pipe. Addicts do sober up, they do know right from wrong and they do know what drugs do to them and the people around them. Being weak/incapable of controlling themselves does not excuse addicts from their actions. I've personally felt addiction try to take over, I've heard the thoughts the mind thinks when it desires a substance or when a problem comes up and the only reasonable solution seems like drugs. I see how it can be a very slippery, and steep, slope but you need to have a bit of sense and know when to back away from whatever substance is starting to control your thoughts and actions. Addiction is not something that blind sides you and changes your life permanently (unlike an intoxicated driver on the road), it's gradual.

    I have no sympathy for the intoxicated driver and I'd expect no one to have any for me if it were me who was behind the wheel intoxicated. I have never thought about suicide but the shame I would feel knowing I killed an innocent person because I made myself lose control could very well bring me to it. The only sympathy I have for alcoholics is that their drug of choice is perfectly legal and available almost everywhere they go.
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  2. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    Hi Jack and Pat, not sure about the Doctor part here, but for only P50 to P100 no matter how drunk you,, me or anyone here is, we can get home safe without killing ourselves or any innocent person, how hard is that? it's so easy to get a pedicab.
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  3. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    The man was bloody irresponsible driving in that state. Sorry if I offend anyone but if he had killed someone I love or relative or person I cared about, driving a motor cycle pissed up. No more words needed.
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  4. Cletus

    Cletus DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    Being somewhat of an expert on drunks, as I was one for many years and have been sober for many years as well. I was in AA and worked on myself and helped others that had problems also. If a person wants to get drunk there is not much you can do to prevent it. You may stop it temporarily but they are the ones that makes the final decision and obviously this fellow made a bad decision that cost not only his life but someone else their life. Also a woman or women became widows and children became orphans because of the decision he made many times to drink instead of getting sober. The bar owner is not a baby sitter nor did he/she make the decision for this person to get drunk. It is human nature to try to blame someone like the bar owner rather than put the blame where it really belongs and that is to the one that got drunk.
    This may seem harsh to some people but when it comes down to the "nut cutting" there is only one person at fault. JMO
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  5. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    I can understand Pats point of view and I can commend the thought But If we treat all Bar owners the same way we would none of us, have any where to Hold a Function, People get Stupid but that's a fact of life. People should take responsibility for their own actions. Not deny people because of it.
    I understand that people Did in fact try and Stop this guy But..........
    I am of course very Sorry for the other Guy and Condolences to his family.
    As we say and it is more Prevalent, coming from a non religious man, "With the grace of God go we!" or do I mean Good Luck?
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  6. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    From the comments it appears that one guy was named Roger and he may have died from internal bleeding. The other guy probably died on the scene from severe head trauma. The picture seems to support this as one foreigner is seen receiving medical attention while the other is not.

    Bottom line, driving motorcycles here is an extreme risk, no matter what you do.

    My condolences to those involved, friends and family. This is a tragic event at any time. Tragic news for the holiday season. Also horrible for Flipflops as you never want to hear that one of your patrons was involved in a fatal accident after leaving your bar.

    I don't even know how you could be fully safe driving a motorcycle, even sober. By getting from point A to point B in this country, you are taking many 3rd world risks. Driving motorcycles. Relying on the local emergency response system as well as the medical system. A lack of laws to protect you from yourself (no enforcement of traffic laws, including drinking and driving.)

    Foreigners come here with little to no experience driving motorcycles. They drink and drive. Many have little to no money to deal with the consequences.

    Driving in the West is so simple (though still dangerous.) Stay between your lines. Watch where you're going. Watch the signs. Here, it's like driving in a swarm with things coming at you in all directions. Your brain can't even handle the complexity of so much activity happening at once.

    f*ck it. Take a pedicab or walk.
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  7. Frodo

    Frodo DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Hi Wrye. Tanjay PNP is an interesting place. Apparently, they like to handle things locally. The PNP summoned both parties to present their side of the story. My gf attended the meeting because her (Filipino) father was driving the motorbike. The idiot old man -- who was from Tanjay -- admitted fault and then the parties negotiated a settlement. Maybe the old man was just an honest person so he admitted fault. Maybe the old man knew there was a witness living along the road who saw his hat blow off, saw him attempt the U-Turn, and saw the accident. Anyway, we appreciated the old man's honesty so we were more accommodating regarding the settlement then we would have been if he tried to lie about what happened.
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  8. Frodo

    Frodo DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I saw the photos of this accident on the Dumaguete FB page. The photos are very graphic, but necessary (I believe) to generate a good discussion about wearing helmets.

    I agree with Wrye! Wear a helmet! In fact, wear a full-face helmet! If you can afford a Spyder full-face helmet then get one -- and wear it. Many other helmets here might meet local safety standards, but I do not believe they are of the same quality as, say, Bell helmuts in America, so don't be fooled.

    In addition, I recommend jeans, gloves (readily available diving gloves work good), and over-the-ankle boots. If you can stand the heat, wear a motocross jacket.

    Riding around here often feels like the same level of hazard as riding on a motocross track -- actually worse in some ways because on a motocross track you land on dirt when you crash -- here you land on concrete.

    Early this month some idiot on a 125cc made a sudden U-Turn on National Highway (near Tanjay) directly in front of my friend -- because the idiot lost his d*mn ball cap (wind blew it off) & he attempted a U-Turn to go back to get it. WHAM!!! Everyone ended up in the hospital. My friend's (non-Spyder) full-face helmet likely saved his life, but it also broke apart on impact and he sustained moderate facial injuries. The idiot old man on the other bike, and his daughter, and his grandson, were catapulted onto the highway -- they lived even though they were not wearing helmets.

    A week later both drivers met at the PNP station where the idiot old man (who had no license & no registration) admitted fault & paid what he could afford, which was P15,000 -- that was only a fraction of the cost to my friend in motorbike damage & medical bills. So even if someone else causes the accident you may end up with a big financial loss.

    Bottom Line: Some accidents cannot be avoided even with a high level of vigilance so expect the unexpected and dress properly!
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  9. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I'm told his name was Freddy. Seemed like a nice enough guy even when drunk, just refused to give up his keys (and I didn't want to resort to violence to get them.....though in hindsight I probably should have).
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  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I'm told both involved in the accident have passed away. I don't recognize the YBR at all.

    Guys, wear your freakin' helmets. You never know when some drunk is going to cross into your lane and hit you head on. I suspect both riders would have minimal/non-life threatening injuries if they had been wearing their helmets.
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