If you must get married just do it in the church and don't register it with the government....problem solved.![]()
I would never marry someone that felt that not getting married was a deal breaker. Something fishy about that to me. I fell for it once, never again!
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However, today I was informed that I am invited to dinner this afternoon by this couple through my gf's brother (and confirmed by my gf). I have absolutely no interest in going to someone's house, expat or not, who did not personally invite me. At first I asked my gf "what do they want from me? And why are they so interested in spending time with you, your brother and me?" as I find the entire situation very "convenient" (why did this "cousin" all of a sudden show up out of nowhere, that nobody knew was related to the gf's family in the first place, and take such an interest to the gf's brother, my gf.....and now has an interest in meeting me?). I've been trying to come up with a reason other than "I don't want to" all day. Your post just gave me that reason. It might not be that they have bad motives...but the guy just doesn't really know about it or really want me to come either since the invitation was not extended directly to me by the people supposedly hosting dinner. And personally I feel much more comfortable meeting people for the first time on neutral ground somewhere public mainly because I feel awkward in these types of situations and alcohol helps me deal with that discomfort.
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Had a long think about this one before replying...thought about sharing my own experiences vs taking a more analytical approach. Lol, gonna do both!
In my very humble opinion filipinas tend to be born insecure, add to that their menfolk abandoning them when the going gets tough, is it any wonder that the goose that lays is jealously guarded? Its our problem too when we do the law of diminishing returns thing.....re-assurance. "No baby, I ain't ever gonna leave ya, just you call me anytime. No way honey, nothing on two legs no matter how sweet the smile is gonna tempt me, you just call me anytime". We don't give our spouses the chance of finding out that life can be cool and ok without the re-assure bit. It just increases their anxiety. In a similar fashion checking up on your whereabouts just increases the doubt and insecurity - and lots of us just let them do it.
When Mrs C and I first started I had to work hard at this. She us a product of her environment. Life is hard, she saw men bail out and run. Indeed, her own sis was left managing 3 very young kids whilst her brother in law p.issed off to where the grass was greener and just cut off his kids. No wonder she got anxious when this white male started strutting up and down her baranguay! Initial attempts to control, to seek re-assurance, and to check where met with steadfast implacability ie "you do this and I walk. I am not putting up with it. If you can not trust me then we do not have a relationship." 12 years later she is a lot less anxious, more relaxed and ok with my movements. Working in the Gulf has also forced this issue.
Readers may remember my post about the above sister. I tracked the guy down and brought him to Court. Result, C doesn't shoulder the whole family's burdens financially. I thought it would be useful to give an update. For amusement purposes.....
The guy that deserted my sister in law recently suffered a stroke. Immediately he is back to Court wanting a suspension of the previous order to support my sister in law. I am on his @ss in double time, private eye, my appointed docs, the whole works. Yep, he had a stroke for sure, but get this...he is paying P30k per week for rehabilitation physio whilst travelling between one province and Manila. Plus Hotels! He also is receiving sick pay from his employer at 80% of salary. He hasn't paid a penny to his kids since November 15. With all the evidence...medical, financial and the private eye (hey the guy really doesn't want me to let his current squeeze know what he gets up to when in Manila for rehab physio...but that's a different issue) ....the court threw his petition out. The peso tap is once more turned on. This time the guy knows if he tries it on he is bound for jail. So I guess I am saying that I do have confidence in the court system....shame most folk can't afford it.
All the best,
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When we and my wife go to someones house as a guest or for a party, we always take some wine and a dessert, even though we know that it is not expected, as this is the tradition in the UK. I often see people, expats usually, turn up for a party empty handed. I don't judge them, as there may be a valid reason, but have second thoughts when I see how eager they are to eat and drink whatever is provided by the host. So it is not because someone is a filipino or an expat that they act like this, it is their nature, regardless of nationality.
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Last edited: Feb 28, 2016 -
nwlivewire DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Army Navy
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Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force
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I wouldn't worry too much, there are not enough jails to accommodates the 30+ mil Local/Filipino men that do this Daily/Weekly/ Always.
Just another little fad of the Little lady to hide her self behind.
In Dumaguete they can't enforce the helmet law so I would never hold my Breath on this one and in any case Counter Sue, she stole MY money.-
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Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army
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Clearly don't Marry until after a year or 2 in time of understanding her and her Family well.... and carry out certain due diligence!
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Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army
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Guess I am one of the lucky one's. Even if I gave my wife all my life's savings she will cherish our vows till death do we part and I am 100% confident that
will be well into old age. Please don't sell the Filipina's short..... there are some great Ladies whom can make this commitment and make you a happy Man. I feel
compelled to say I would not ever Marry again and if I ever did she would be a Filipina!-
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