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Question Best Posts in Thread: How much power from a solar panel in Dumaguete

  1. contrail

    contrail DI Junior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    If you're at Dumaguete airport/ Finishline Cafe stop in and I'll show you actual Data and real time numbers based here in Dumaguete. We generates 100% of our power used, System is Net Meter, Grid Tie, Expandable at no additional cost from 250 watts 220V AC 60hz to 1 megawatt,no troublesome Batteries! 25 year warranty, most efficient , easy, safe reliable system. In stock ready to install. Please Make an appointment as I am extremely busy installing systems.... 09184185555. this invitation is to anyone on Dumaguete Info, mention this and get special pricing offer!

    Regards, Bryan

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  2. contrail

    contrail DI Junior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Just an update on Solar, here at Finishline/NEP Solar. We are on our third generation system, we brought on a new more efficient micro inverter with a specific proprietary 320 watt photovoltaic solar panel that are designed by me to meet philippines unique environment and wind load concerns, in addition it meets the new stringent safety codes in California and Japan, we are the only inverter to be certified for residential use in Japan as they have the most stringent electrical codes. This Micro inverter system is currently be fitting to a major hotel here in Dumaguete. When it comes to purchasing a Solar system, my suggestions are buyer beware, do your homework understand the whole process. Ours carry the highest KWH yield proven in the Philippines and with an unmatched 25 year warranty, peso for peso value and safety we can't be beat. In the near future we will be bringing online a hybrid plug and play modular AC Battery storage system with some impressive specifications.

    Regards, Bryan
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  3. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    As Bryan said in the post you quoted, he is extremely busy and you should call him to make an appointment for a consultation, but I may be able to save you the time.

    I was able to have a conversation with him at Finish Line and my electric bill is just about the same as yours. He talked me out of installing a solar system!

    He suggested the return on investment just takes too long if that is all you are paying for electric. He also suggested that reducing your bill to zero is impractical but aiming to reduce it to half is wise so if your electric use is going to go up substantially (due to increased use perhaps?) then you should surely follow up on this. With a bill of less than 8,000 pesos a month I would no longer consider it financially strategic to put in solar.
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  4. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I've requested a brochure/info packet/contact information from Bryan. He is a sole distributor in the Philippines of a certain brand of solar panel that, I believe, has a lifetime warranty (something the other solar guys in Duma don't offer). He also handles installations. Bryan will not BS and is very honest about what can be expected from these panels. Once I have the information I'll post here and/or create a showcase page with the information.
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  5. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    When the posted clip stopped some new clips were suggested and I sat through about 36 minutes of a 72 minute presentation and the salient facts are this isn't going to be ready any time soon for anything much bigger than a calculator. It doesn't perform as well as silicon. When scaled up it loses 75% efficiency which was not as good as silicon to begin with. It is extremely sensitive and can degrade significantly in 60 hours if exposed to normal moisture in the air. At the present moment they don't know how to make it without water soluble lead. The pennies on the dollar are the energy cost to produce the film vs producing the silicon for a solar cell. It has nothing to do with how much the solar cell itself is going to cost because this Perovskite is sensitive stuff and may require a vacuum. Maybe in the grand or great grandkids lifetime. I believe I heard something about a shorter life cycle than silicon but I won't swear to it. It was shortly before they went on at length about having to recycle the cells and how difficult it will be to reclaim the rare trace elements. They kept saying "but that's an engineering problem" and yeah, an engineer can fix most things if given an unlimited budget but that doesn't mean it's going to be a cost effective, real world solution.
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  6. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Scientists for many years have known about (Perovskite) which is an element found in sand all over the Globe but it was a high cost element to extract!
    Now a company has discovered how to grow the element in a lab at super low costs. Billions are now being invested by oil Barons as this element will soon be
    replacing old solar power tech. They have no choice but to go all in. It's looked at frankly as a no brainier as solar power will be cheaper than any hydro production method available by a huge % forecast to be over 10 times cheaper.perovskite break through solar power - Google Search

    New element super solar power conductance, pennies on the dollar to produce now!
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    Last edited: Feb 16, 2016
  7. Jens K

    Jens K DI Senior Member

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    Same here, landlord takes care of all utilities and we just pay all together with the rent.
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  8. DELETED-shotshapers

    DELETED-shotshapers Guest Guest User

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    I asked if it was possible to pay in advance and she looked at me like i had two heads
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  9. DELETED-shotshapers

    DELETED-shotshapers Guest Guest User

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    With two young ones and Noreco only going to get more expensive, why would it not make sense to install solar panels to cover the cost.............if its a 25 year gig
    my bill will be 60k a year give or take times just 10 years is 600k thats without inflation

    what I earn a month now would be pay for it, so better do it whilst I can if not for me for the family

    the sun is free , get it installed and behind me knock a few zeros off the electric bill...............I dont see it as an investment at all..............i just want to get out of the jail that is Noreco
    standing down outside the Noreco office hoping to pay the bill before the due date, putting your invoice under a stone so it doesnt blow away, waiting for the office worker who might or might not come and open up to accept your payment, when i have a bill i like to pay it off asap, some days after waiting an hour or more, she would say "oh go away and come back tommorrow as she doesnt have a copy of the invoice"

    rant over
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  10. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    I know people design systems that can meet a specific demand like solar for the sole purpose of running an aircon during daylight hours.

    It could be totally separate never putting anything back into the grid. Excess power, or when power if generated but insufficient to safely power the aircon, the power would be diverted to a tank type electric water heater because the filament in the water heater doesn't care. No batteries. No having to meet electric company regulatory requirements.

    Having lived without aircon, my electric bills were very modest, always under 1k php a month.

    It might be worth it to build a systen that will power aircon during the day and in the evening you can have a real hot shower if you wish but I'm sure the water would be warm for a morning shower because tank type water heaters will hold heat fairly well overnight.

    You could run a small A/C unit on the grid at night when it doesn't have to work hard.

    Maybe it would not be economic to eliminate your electric bill but what about eliminating 75- 80% of it?

    It might be nice to have aircon during those scheduled and unscheduled brownouts too.
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