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Healthcare Best Posts in Thread: Department of Veteran’s Affairs Issues Ruling on Beneficiary Travel Rules for VA
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Recently you requested assistance from VA. Below is our response.
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Response By Email (Department of Veterans Affairs) (03/20/2016 10:42 PM)
Department of Veteran’s Affairs Issues Ruling on Beneficiary Travel Rules for Care Provided Outside the United States
March 2016
On January 29, 2016, the Department of Veterans Affairs issued a legal opinion concerning Beneficiary travel outside of the United States. VA's regulations at 38 C.F.R. § 70.1(a) limit VA's authority to provide payments for travel expenses incurred outside the U.S. This includes any travel expenses incurred overseas for care provided at or coordinated through the VA Outpatient Clinic in Manila. While this regulation is in place, VA may not provide reimbursement for travel expenses incurred outside the U.S. [including] for C&P exams.
Effective April 11, 2016, the VA Manila Outpatient Clinic, consistent with the Beneficiary Travel rules worldwide, will discontinue paying beneficiary travel. The delayed implementation of this ruling gives the Outpatient Clinic time to notify Veterans who have previously scheduled appointments that they will no longer receive reimbursement for their travel to their clinic appointments.
• Veterans already scheduled appointments through June 11, 2016 are being contacted by way of email, text and telephone calls to advise them about beneficiary travel being discontinued by April 11, 2016.
• Veterans who have scheduled appointments and have already purchased airline tickets may submit a beneficiary travel claim along with paid receipts showing purchase was made prior to April 10, 2016. These Veterans will be reimbursed airline travel.
• Veterans who come to the clinic by way of a hired vehicle after April 10, 2016 will no longer be reimbursed.
Four Areas the VA Manila Outpatient Clinic is focusing on to deliver care and services directly to Veterans throughout the Philippines.
1. Enrolling all Veteran’s into the electronic MyHealtheVet (MHV) system. Ninety-Four percent of Veterans accessing care in the VA Manila Outpatient Clinic are already enrolled in MyHealtheVet (MHV) and can use this system to do the following:
a. Veterans can communicate directly, by secure message, to their primary care team, Doctor, Nurse, pharmacy, laboratory personnel and other support services to include the patient advocate and clinic scheduling clerk.
b. Veterans can reorder/refill their medications on-line.
c. Veterans can request information and can ask to change or cancel clinic appointments on-line.
2. Medication audio refill/ Clinic audio reminder and messaging.
a. Veterans can refill their medications by calling audio refill.
b. Veterans are reminded about appointments and given a chance to cancel or reschedule the appointment if necessary.
c. Veterans are automatically notified about clinic closures.
3. Laboratory Services in the Community
a. Veterans living outside of metro manila will be able to have their labs drawn in their community once the lab contract is finalized.
b. Veteran’s health conditions and medications can be monitored through telephone care once the labs are emailed from their community laboratory to the VA Manila Outpatient Clinic.
4. Telephone Care Access
a. Veterans can speak directly to a nurse, pharmacist and scheduling clerk regarding their care coordination and services.
b. Veterans will be contacted by their Primary Care Physician regarding care that can be coordinated over the phone.
c. Veterans can consult with their primary care team members regarding results and to review medical records, lab results, imaging studies, medication profile and pathology results.
Veteran’s Access to Primary Care, Specialty Care and Diagnostic Services will Not Change
• Eligible Veterans, who want to continue their care at the VA Manila Outpatient Clinic, can schedule an appointment with their primary care provider.
• Veterans without an appointment can come to the clinic on a walk-in basis.
• Eligible Veterans will be referred to the community for non-VA care and services if not available in the clinic.
For questions contact Vicki Randall, Clinic Manager at (632)318-8335 or email: vicki.randall@va.gov
Thank you-
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My question to MS. RANDALL
I sent an email to you last night this is a follow-up.
In the US the VA instituted a new policy about Vets who live over 40 miles from VA facility or have to wait more than 30 days for an appointment.
The choice program is not applicable to Veterans living in a foreign country. To remain eligible for medical care and medications, a Veteran must return to the clinic annually to see their primary doctor. There are times when your doctor may want to see you more often depending on your medical conditions and the medications you take. Your primary care physician is responsible for your care. If you require a procedure that is not available in the clinic, then your doctor will put in an order to authorize treatment outside the clinic. You can go to any facility you choose. If you choose a facility that extends a line of credit to VA, we will pay for services required to treat your service connected condition. If you choose a facility that only accepts cash or credit card, you will pay the charges and request reimbursement. Just remember your primary care doctor manages your care and is the only one that can authorize medical care and diagnostics outside of the clinic. This is not a change. The only change is beneficiary travel is discontinued April 11. Let me know if you have questions. vicki
What is VA going to do to be able to service these Vets? Is this a move in the direction of FMP
Are you saying the Vet does not have to see the primary care provider? As above is VA going to use local doctors like in the FMP?
The only change is beneficial travel is discontinued and no travel or per diem will be paid after April 11. Please understand this is not a local decision, it is the law. The foreign medical program and social security discontinued paying beneficiary travel for comp and pension exams on February 8. OGC advised agencies proving travel overseas on January 29. VA Manila delayed implementation so Veterans could plan. Keep the questions coming, we plan to develop a question and answer response that will be forwarded to all. enrolled Veterans next week. Feedback and questions are greatly appreciated. Vicki AGAIN did not address the question-
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