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Best Posts in Thread: filipino manners (or the lack of)

  1. tlrtraveler

    tlrtraveler DI Forum Adept

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    Was in the theater in Tagbilaran, Bohol last week watching a movie. Young pinoy with a super-bright smartphone seated several rows and seats away---took a call, was yammering away and the usher came up and took him outside---then brought his packages to him and told him to leave. Good on the theater for making a movie there a pleasant experience for all.
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  2. AlwaysRt

    AlwaysRt DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force Marines

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    Hmmmm, sounds like Robert's (Bob's) parents made a mistake, should have named him Richard (Dick)!!!
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  3. charlyB

    charlyB DI Senior Member

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    I personally have brought this subject up in previous threads but i now feel i have to vent it again, yesterday my wife and i were in Robinsons cinema and a guy (filipino) sat directly behind us had 3 phone calls within 30 min (loud annoying ringtone, loud annoying speaking, we had the full experience) on this third occasion one of my top end gaskets blew and i turned around and told him to switch it off and made several other remarks, this was greeted with the usual filipino response of total silence and staring straight ahead as if i was not there but funnily enough there were no more phone calls and we could enjoy the rest of the movie in perfect peace and quiet apart from the sound of my boiling blood pressure.
    Then we went to Sans Rizal on the boulevard, i went to the toilet and within 30 seconds there was a loud knock at the door, when i immediately opened the the door the filipino guy who had ben knocking said sori, sori for what, for knocking on the door, for being an a$$hole, for WHAT.
    As i said at the beginning i have brought this subject up before and i could go on and on and on (rubbish on the beach, selfish driving,parking, stray dogs, all night kareoke zzzzzzzzzzz) i know many other expats feel the same way but i also know there is no cure (legal) for this kind of behavior, what can be done though is for filipinos to raise their future generations with some respect for the rest of the world and once this generation dies out the Philippines might be a half decent place to live.
    And yes i know i could always live somewhere else.......
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  4. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Noise: Let me tell you a story that has nothing to do with filipinos except that it happened in their country, in Liloan, Cebu.

    My second visit to Philippines I stayed in an apartment compound operated by an American (I'd stayed there before and we got on well). I had a bachelor suite on the ground floor and one night a German guest decided to move the compound's Karaoke machine just under my window, put it to full volume, and sign off-key as loudly and drunkenly as he could for 9 PM on a weekend. He was not being an arse, he was just being Klaus. Its who he is. So I did not get extremely mad, I just left my room to go to a room at the back where an American friend of mine was staying. I complained to Tom about Klaus and his horrible racket. Tom asked if I had complained to the owner and I said no because I know how things work in Philippines. Tom says: "Well I'm and American and the owner is an American and we understand each other". So off Tom went to tell Bob that "Dave is complaining about the loud Karaoke and Klaus need to shut the f--k up". So Bob comes to me and says: "Were you complaining about the loud music". I said yes, but only venting to Tom. Bob says, and I quote: "We don't need complainers here, this is Philippines and its how it works here, you got two days to get out!"

    No bull, no exaggeration, its how things can be here. So tell me again how rude the filipinos are?
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  5. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    I'll have to agree with the OP for the most part (not the bathroom part). The problem seems to revolve around noise and they don't mind it at all. They have no respect for those around them when their own noise levels make it sh*t for others. This can be loud music, karaoke, fireworks, motorcycles, phone calls in a theater, or just sitting at a table in a restaurant. The last one is what just shows how they really think loud is better. Filipino women especially can sit around a table at a restaurant but will use such loud obnoxious voices that they drown out everyone else in the place. They have NO idea how to monitor their own volume and they act as if the louder they are the more right they are.

    So if it comes down to something noise related they are extremely rude and insensitive to those around them. If the noise doesn't bother them surely it won't bother others even when they themselves are the noise.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  6. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I prefer a more passive aggressive approach in the theaters.
    Cell Phone Blocker Mini
    There won't be any cell phones receiving calls or texts in a 15ft radius of you outdoors (in areas with decent signal, further if the signal is weaker) and 30ft indoors. Conveniently, a full charge will last right 2 hours. It's tons of fun in locations outside of the theaters as well. It's $135 for the jammer and I paid around P1200 for shipping and taxes if I remember correctly. If you order make sure you tell them you are in the Philippines.

    (Note: If you go into Why Not or Revive at night and flip one of those things on I'm going to know someone is f*cking about and I will find you. :punch: lol)
    Has to start in the school system and get them at a very young age. Can't rely on every parent in the country to do it on their own.
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  7. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Makes them Look Important, My Daughter & her Friends all sit with Phones on the table at my House, Willing them to ring.
    Ask her why she needs the Phone at the Cinema, I get, Someone may ring me. No point even Trying to Understand them Charley Old or Young, it is The way it is.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    And here I was thinking the reason many foreigners moved here was for the freedom to act like an *sshole.

    I could have warned you about all this before you arrived. And foreigners might read this thread before they come here and they'll still b*tch about bad manners. Maybe we should put this thread up on a billboard in the airport. "People here have bad manners, prepare to b*tch about it. But don't b*tch to us about it. We have heard and seen it all before".

    If you get past the billboard, congrats. Now you get your first challenge. Pushy pedicab drivers who want to rip you off to take you downtown.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    Cellphones and tablet use in cinema in Duma is very common. I usually sit as close as I can stand to the screen so hopefully they will be behind me...then my date whips out her smartphone and answers a text. I stay quiet. She gets another text, answers it. I stay quiet. The third text I tell her to turn it off or if it's that Important go out to the lobby.
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  10. charlyB

    charlyB DI Senior Member

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    That's one of the things about this i can't understand, why would people spend 160/170 pesos to sit and make/take phone calls when it can be done for free outside.
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